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132 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESBaptist Foreign Missionary Society, the Methodist EpiscopalMission (North and South) nnd the Foreign ChristianMission co-operate.In the Hunan Mission the constitution of the HunanUnion Theological School, jointly conducted by our missiontogether with the Keformed Church in the United States,the United Evangelical and the Wesleyan Methodist Missions,was formally adopted.Experiment of the South Shantung Industrial Schoolhas. already proved so successful that plans are under wayfor a considerable enlargement of the work, and for theco-operation with the Chinese in the raising of funds forproperty and running expenses, as well as in the management of the school. The Trades School at Hangchow liassecured suitable premises.The demand for education greatly exceeds the resourcesof the institutions established by the Government,, sothat there are more and more applicants coining to ourschools. On the other hand, there are indications thatwe are approaching a period when our Church andits institutions are not able to absorb the entire productsof our schools. In view of this and the new conditionsprevailing in China, a readjustment of our educationalsystem and policy is called for. It is of the highestimportance that courses of study for our lower grades be soarranged that this large body of students will get, as muchas possible, such kinds of work as will fit them for life sduties and good citizenship.What is the place of industrial training inIndustrialj.jiemissionary programme? This is a question now before nearly all of our missionstations. The Chinese Christian leaders are calling for itearnestly, but without, as yet, being able to present anypractical plan of operation.It is plain that the introduction of training of eye andhand into all courses of instruction contributes materially tothe sane and symmetrical development of the pupil sintelligence and character. But the how, when, and whei e ofit still baffle efforts to devise a general policy applicable

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