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"PRESBYTERIAN GROUP 131The spiritual life of the rank and file of the churchmembership is the object of special concern in all the sevenmissions ;and in the largest of them, Shantung, groups ofpastors and evangelists have held meetings for the quickening of the love and zeal of the Christians which have metwith a good measure of success.Street ChaSigns are not wanting that theels stereotypedform of evangelistic street chapel is passing.There are now a few places (and more will follow), set backfrom the street, spacious, well-seated, well-lighted, where awell-trained man, college-bred, it may be, speaks at a specifichour for a specified time on an advertised subject for whichhe has carefully prepared. The results are encouraging bothin the type of audience obtained and the impression madeupon the hearers.In some cities a new method of utilizing street chapelswas planned and carried out by one of our missions and others.A band was formed by fifteen or twenty most effectivepreachers, both Chinese and foreign, in all the missions.A schedule was prepared for three days meetings, one speakerat each meeting, for each of the eight or ten chapels of thecity and the three days periods were so arranged through;consecutive weeks that interested hearers at one chapel,would be able to attend at all. the others if they desired.Each of these three day missions was then well andearly advertised, subjects, speakers, time and place, andarrangements were made for follow-up work, and all withsuch success as to encourage a repetition next year.. In the North China Mission ag,momentouschange was made by the taking over of theUnion Medical College by the China Medical Board. Another important change decided upon was the amalgamationof the Union Theological College with the TheologicalDepartment of the Peking University. Plans are maturingfor the consummation of the larger educational union inNorth China, by the establishment of a federated Universityat Peking.The Ginling College for Women has been formallyopened at Nanking. Beside our mission, the American

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