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128 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESFOREIGN MISSION OF THEPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN IRELAND(Irish Presbyterian Church Mission) ( J869)EditorStations \vith dates of occupation Xhenqkiny : : (.Miincho\vfu( 1885) ,Fakuting (1891 ) ,Kwanchengtze ( 1880), Kwangning ( 1891), Moukden(1889), Newchwang (1S9), Sinminfu (1888); Kir nt: Kirin (1891),Ynshuting (189.1).Missionaries 4-1, Employed Chinese Staff. >42, Communicants 9,440(1915).In Manchuria the main effect of the political unrest inChina seems to have been a deepening of the doubt about thefuture of the Province, causing unrest and apprehension,more especially in the minds of the educated classes. "Whenthe unrest becomes acute, it is undoubtedly harmful toseveral branches of the work. Students in the schools andcolleges find it hard to concentrate attention "on the dailyprogramme. Yet when men s minds are roused to thinkseriously on any subject it is no small asset to the missionaryChurch.FSinmiufu was in the summer and autumnIoocJsof 1915 the scene of devastating floods thatpauperizedthe whole district and invaded the compoundcontaining our mission building. The outer walls werewashed away and some of the buildings fell. To repair thedamage done to the church property and to ensure thefuture safety of the present buildings will require theexpenditure of 1000.^ieEvan outstanding hindrance in the year selistic }Workpreaching has been the abject poverty of themass of the people. "How to eat and live isthe important concern of the great body of the people."Yet it is still "the unanimous testimony of our preachersthat wherever they go the people are willing to listen to thegospel."For over a year the Church in Manchuria has been in astate of expectancy. The special evangelistic committee ofthe synod has arranged for a great forward movement,

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