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124 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESrendered every assistance to the project. Dr. Peterlectured on Hygiene and Public Health and Dr. Mac-Gillivray on religious topics. At two centres where planshad been made for Bible study, classes were formed with anaverage attendance of seventy and fifty respectively.Apart from direct results a new friendliness and ease ofaccess among officials, gentry and students augurs well forthe future.2. Cities. Commodious premises have been securedinside the city at another central station. So that af cer aperiod when the main strength of evangelistic effort wasdirected toward rural districts men are now being appointedto the definite work of city evangelism.Miss Gregg of the China Inland Mission conductedmeetings in three cities which were successful in assemblinglarge audiences of women drawn from all classes.3. Union. Arrangements have been completed forunion with Shantung Christian University in the teaching ofArts, Medicine and Theology. In harmony with a previousagreement with the Canadian Church Mission, Kaifengfu, amen s normal course has been started, with eight students.4. Characteristic Features. In not a few older congregations there exists a singular lack of interest in thepropagation of the gospel and a contentment with thestatus quo. Contrasted with this condition is the warmth andenthusiasm of younger groups of Christians everywhere.As compared with previous years there was evidentamong missionaries a disposition to adopt intensive methodswith a more continuous residence at strategic centres,throughout the field.While the Mission has hitherto shared in union effortsthrough its representatives with the Christian LiteratureSociety at Shanghai and the Young Men s Christian Association at Kaifengfu, the appointment a year ago of oneChinese and one Canadian worker to assist in preparationand follow-up work in connection with the province-wideevangelistic campaign reveals a new desire to share in thelarge work of capturing the whole province for Christ.

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