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!118 MISSIONS AND CHURCHES_ Of the 250 churches and preaching placesof this mission about 18 are theDMrirtprivatehouses of the Christians and generally involveno expenses. A large staff of 250 lay preachers preach,twice monthly, without charge at the nearer churches, andtwice at more distant places, receiving each about twelvedollars a year for travelling expenses.There are 3,500 members and 7,000 enquirers. There isgrowing annually an endowment fund, now $6,000, theinterest of which will be used later on for church expensesin circu.its which have raised it.The mission has a hospital, which last year registered17,400 attendances and in-patients,a,foreign doctor being incharge. There is a college with English principal and 116students. Three evangelistic missionaries superintend thework. During the period in which churches and membership have trebled, the foreign staff has not increased and itis only by careful organization that so large a work can bemaintained by so small a foreign staff.v This work centres around Chaotung andYunnan District . . .m .,Tungcliwan it has fewer missionaries than;heretofore though greater opportunities. The native staffteach during the week and preach on the Sabbath; but theylack initiative and tend to lean on the foreigner.The Chinese work is small, but that amongst the tribesmen is large and successful. Amongst the Miao there is awonderful change as of a tribe reborn. Among the Nosualso schools and chapels have sprung up about Weining(Kweichow) and Chaotung.Another promising offshoot is the work among theKopu (or Kaii-i) a tribe south of :Tungchwan they arenumerous and most responsive: this year they have promised$700 in school fees. As a centre for this work we are opening Stintienchow.Dispensers of medicine, vaccinators, dentists, supervisorsof schools, preachers, the missionaries have to spend muchtime on the saddle.

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