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MISSIONS AND CHURCHESmembers, 3,314 of whom were received into the Church lastyear, and 10,404 inquirers, of whom 4,290 were enrolled.e f Self-support has been developed to a con-J. , , ,Self-support 1 TTTsiderable extent during the past year. Wehave some ten churches that may be called self-supporting,1paying the pastor s salary and all current expenses, withoutany help from the Board of Missions. The idea of selfsupportis growing among the Chinese Christians arid theyare coming more arid more to feel that the Church is theirown and they must depend on themselves and not on thehelp received from the foreign country, for the support andpropagation of Christianity. The development of the spiritof independence and initiative among the Chinese Christiansis very gratifying indeed and augurs well for the future ofthe Church in China. We have been putting our best meninto places of leadership and responsibility more and more,ajid we are getting most satisfactory results.educational work isEducationalprogressing in aWork very satisfactory manner. The SoochowUniversity registered nearly four hundredstudents for the fall term last year. Of these sixty-six aredoing college work. We arc gelting our schools of all gradesi^ore thoroughly correlated than at any time in their previoushistory, so that pupils from the primary and middle gradescan advance to the higher grades without difficulty.A recent move has been made looking to the development of theprimary schools in a more efficient manner than has been thecase heretofore. Hitherto we, in common with other missions, have largely neglected the great possibilities in thisform of mission work. But,also in common with othermissions, ^ve have come to see that one of the most fruitfulfields of mission work is in the primary or so called dayschool,and that very much greater emphasis ought to belaid upon this branch of work than has been the case in thepast.We have recently opened a Bible Training*eliool for Workers inTraininSungkiang. The ob-School J ec t f this school is to train for the ministryand other Christian work men who, for onereason or another, cannot go to the Nanking School of

METHODIST GROUP 115Theology for a full theological course. We have somethirty students in this school at present. One foreign missionary and two Chinese teachers are giving their wholetime to the school, \\hile another missionary gives part of histime to it.s , i Our high schools for girls and youngfor Girls women, iiameh McTyeire at Shanghai, theLaura Haygood at Soochow, and the VirginiaSchool at Huchow, and the intermediate schools, Susan B.Wilson in Sungkiang and the Davidson in West Soochow,are all doing well. The total registration of students inthese five schools for the past year has been nine hundredand sixty-four students. The Bible Women s School atSungkiang has about seventy students in it. During thepast year a number of efficient Bible women have beengraduated from the Bible Women s School and are nowlocated at different places in the mission doing effectivework among the women and children.~, A new church was built in Soochow lastUlldmgyear at a cost of nearly M$30,OOQ. Themoney for this church was given by St. John s MethodistChurch in St. Louis, Missouri. It has a seating capacity ofnearly fifteen hundred and is perhaps one of the finestProtestant mission churches in China.Medical Work^ ur mecucal work ill the two hospitalsin Soochow, one for men and the other forwomen, has been carried on in a very satisfactory mannerduring the past year. Dr. W. II. Park is planning to raisethe sum of M$100,000 with which to rebuild his hospitalfor men. He already has a considerable amount in handfor this object. Many of his former patients whom he hastreated in past years are coming forward with liberalsubscriptions to the fund. This is especially gratifying asit shows appreciation on the part of Dr. Park s patients ofthe services he has rendered them in former times.The union of the medical work of the two missions,Baptist and Methodist, in Huchow has been finally consummated during the past year, aud already gives promise ofincreasing efficiency and success. The Women s Hospitalin Soochow, under the management of Dr. Ethel Polk, is.

MISSIONS AND CHURCHESmembers, 3,314 of whom were received into the Church lastyear, and 10,404 inquirers, of whom 4,290 were enrolled.e f Self-support has been developed to a con-J. , , ,Self-support 1 TTTsiderable extent during the past year. Wehave some ten churches that may be called self-supporting,1paying the pastor s salary and all current expenses, withoutany help from the Board of Missions. The idea of selfsupportis growing among the Chinese Christians arid theyare coming more arid more to feel that the Church is theirown and they must depend on themselves and not on thehelp received from the foreign country, for the support andpropagation of Christianity. The development of the spiritof independence and initiative among the Chinese Christiansis very gratifying indeed and augurs well for the future ofthe Church in China. We have been putting our best meninto places of leadership and responsibility more and more,ajid we are getting most satisfactory results.educational work isEducationalprogressing in aWork very satisfactory manner. The SoochowUniversity registered nearly four hundredstudents for the fall term last year. Of these sixty-six aredoing college work. We arc gelting our schools of all gradesi^ore thoroughly correlated than at any time in their previoushistory, so that pupils from the primary and middle gradescan advance to the higher grades without difficulty.A recent move has been made looking to the development of theprimary schools in a more efficient manner than has been thecase heretofore. Hitherto we, in common with other missions, have largely neglected the great possibilities in thisform of mission work. But,also in common with othermissions, ^ve have come to see that one of the most fruitfulfields of mission work is in the primary or so called dayschool,and that very much greater emphasis ought to belaid upon this branch of work than has been the case in thepast.We have recently opened a Bible Training*eliool for Workers inTraininSungkiang. The ob-School J ec t f this school is to train for the ministryand other Christian work men who, for onereason or another, cannot go to the Nanking School of

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