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""""METHODIST GROUP 111(4) Raising G. $1,000,000 for property and equipment, of which it is attempted to raise Mex. $500,000 inChina. Liberal subscriptions have already been secured inChina.True to its traditions everywhere, the Methodist-Episcopal Church in China lays great stress upon callingout and preparing a native ministry, and developing selfsupport,believing that the saving of China is to be donemostly by indigenous resources of men and money. Training a native ministry is laborious and expensive work, but itis not so expensive as a continuous foreign ministry; and itis the only way of raising up a church self -supporting, selfdirecting,and self-propagating.The church seeks to minister to all classes of societywithout distinction or emphasis, believing this to be the truespirit of our divine Lord.From the Episcopal Address of BishopsEast AsiaBashford and Lewis to the East Asia Con-Conierenceniference, we take the following paragraphs:If tlie Chinese people can be brought to national consciousnessby the Church of Jesus Christ and so guided in the recognition ofthe claims of other nations and nationals as to render patriotism orlove of native land a contribution to international righteousness, aservice will have been rendered alike pleasing to God and beneficialto mankind.Three outstanding characteristics must dominate any Churchwhich may with hope of success undertake the leadership of theChinese Nation in this high and holy task:"1. Such a relationship of the individual to the Godhead asthat the certitude of his spiritual experience shall witness to thathigh freedom which is at once his birthright and the basis of redeemed personality.2. A connectional Church in which every part and personalityhas definite relations to every other part and personality.3. An international Church whose boundaries are limited onlyby the whole race and so Spirit-filled as that the need of every raceand every man shall be the great concern of every member in thisgreat brotherhood."By widespread colportage and preaching; by organizinggroups into classes for definite and systematic instruction ;by the ministry of healing to those who cannot pay as wellas to those who can; by training large numbers of boys andgirls in lower schools, and young men and women in higher

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