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with110 MISSIONS AND CHURCHES1. The appointment of a General TreasurerReV E K Morrow office in>the Year Shanghai. Distance and local organization forthe present make it inexpedient for NorthChina and West China to share in this, but the finances ofthe other four Conferences are managed from this office.Aside from other substantial advantages, the profits securedin exchange more than pay all the expenses involved.2. One of the secretaries of the Board of SundaySchools, Dr. L.O. Hartman, visited China, and in theautumn Rev. W. II. Miner was appointed as Sunday-SchoolField Secretary for China.3. Other notable visitors during the year were Dr.F.M. North, one of our Missionary Secretaries;. Dr. \V.I.Haven, President of the American Bible Society aud oneof our Board of Managers; and Mr. \V.l). Price, editor ofWorld Outlook.4. During November was held at Nanking the CentralConference of Eastern Asia. This body, meetingquadrennially, is composed of delegates elecled from the twoconferences in Japan, one conference in Korea, and sixconferences in China. It is deliberative, not legislative,and sends its memorials representing Eastern Asia up to theGeneral Conference which meets in America the followingyear. Among the important memorials sent up this timewas the request for a third General Superintendent for theFar East, to have episcopal residence in Seoul, Korea.5. At the session of the Central China Conference, aspart of a large and far-reaching movement for the advanceof medical science and practice, the Nanking Hospital, afterthirty-five years of splendid service and widespread influence, closed its doors as a hospital, and the property isconverted into a conference academy for boys.6. This year also witnessed the launching of a fouryearcampaign called the Forward Movement, having amongits objects :(1) Doubling our full membership.(2) Trebling our Sunday schools and Bible classes,(3) Stressing self-support,

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