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106 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESideas cannot but determine the character of the futureChurch, and these schools prove to be an excellent methodof training them.The most inspiring events of the year weredntEventsseen *n ^-fashipned revival meetings. Onesuch held at a district convention in Jenshowproved a very great blessing to those present. The Spiritof God was mightily present in the convicting of sin and inthe renewing of lives. The terrors of conviction and confession of sins were followed by earnest supplications andpeace-filled hearts. Explain such meetings as we like, theydo not take the place of constant teaching, but the} domean the coming of new conceptions and the reformation oflives.There has been no increase in the number of out-stations.theThe Home Missionary Society of our Chinese Church tonorthern tribes has been reorganized and plans made forvisitation for the coming year.In school work the most important developnieilthas been a tightening up of our workto secure better efficiency in the schools and acloser connection between the different grades. All schoolsmust be registered in the West China Mission, no new schoolscan be opened without the sanction of the authorities, andclose inquiries are made regarding the qualifications of theteachers.Considerable impetus has been given during the pastyear to self help and industrial departments in our schools.A canvass of our Mission places the schools as the mostfruitful source of winning church-members. There are overone hundred lower primary, twenty higher primary and fourmiddle schools, two of which are union. The students inthese schools total over three thousand girls.Fifty students and seven foreign teachers are our Mission s share in the activities of the Union University whichcarries faculties of Arts, Theology, Medicine, a NormalSchool and Missionaries Framing School. The first classclasshas just graduated from the University.are of our Mission, one of whom goes intoTwo of theeducational workand the other into the ministry.

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