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LUTHERAN GROUP 103studies are sent to the Central China Union LutheranTheological Seminary at Shekow near Hankow, where the1Mission has assigned one of its staff as an acting professor.,. j,,The medical work of the Mission has hadfMedical ,, .!., . ., ,,Wor afc very successlul year,il statistics are anytrue indicators of actual results. One medical missionary has been added to the hospital staff togetherwith a Chinese physician. This gives the Mission a working force of three foreign physicians, three foreign nurses,one Chinese physician and eleven Chinese nurses. Thelatter are students in the school for nurses conducted inthe hospital at Kioshau, which has been in charge of Dr.Behrentx. Dispensaries have been conducted during theyear at several of the Mission stations, principally atKioshau and Juning. 524 patients have been cared for inthe Kioshan Hospital during the year, and 6,039 individuals,as against 4,504 during 1915, have been treated at thevarious dispensaries. There has been an increase of Mex.$505 in the Chinese contributions toward medical workduring the past year.

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