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LUTHERAN GROUP 93China until the first days of January, 1916, they are notincluded in the statistics for 1915.)The Chinese staff lias increased during the year fromone hundred and nine to one hundred twenty-five.The general nature of this Society s workEvangelistic in C]lina ig evangelistic and educational.The first named has the preeminence. Thelines we follow are those generally adopted in mission work,preaching, teaching, and distribution of Christian literature.The main places for preaching are the churches, streetchapels, markets and country places. Tent work has alsobeen tried, but so far only to a small extent. In some placesthe evangelists come together for two or three days ofpreaching, and shifting from one place to another. Thisseems to be a good practice and will probably he morelargely adopted in the future.It is our aim as soon as possible to get those interestedin the gospel into regular classes so as to give them systematic instruction in the most important truths and in theW 7 ay of salvation. It is also our aim to help as many aspossible, both men and women, to learri to read. For thewomen we arrange special classes lasting for a month or moreat a time. We try to get them in from out-stations andcountry places. It seems to us almost impossible to get thecountry women to learn to read and to understand thewayof salvation if they are not separated from their home dutiesfor a time now and then.Schools have been started atSchool Workevery stationand also at some out-stations and countryplaces. As soon as qualified teachers can be had we wantto open schools at every out-station in order to give thechildren of Christian parentseducation.the benefit of a ChristianFive new schools have been started duringprimary schools we have twenty-seven, students 464 ;middleschools three, thirty-seven students. We also have a normalschool with twenty-one students. The total number ofscholars in all our schools is nearly 600,191"). Of

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