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<c88 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESTwo German missionaries, Wannags and Hildebrand,are having: an enforced vacation in Japan as prisoners ofwar, and it is quite impossible to state when the end will be.The work of missions has been injuriously affected by thegeneral world-situation, but reference to the fact need notbe made here, for every true missionary, who is in earnestin preaching the gospel, has found this out for himself._,,, . South China was visited in July by agreat flood. In a large part of the field ofthe Berlin Mission the first rice crop was largely destroyed.With hard work seed-grain was secured and fields wereagain planted. It was hoped that the second crop wouldmake up for the losses of the first. Hut aJas! God in hiswisdom sent on China a second woe/ The second cropwas spoiled through drought. Not a drop of rain fell untilit was too late.At that time there was much murmuring againstHeaven and Earth on the parl of non-Christians, but therewas little recognition of personal sin.Toward the close of the year all kinds ofrumours of political unrest and of changestirred the hearts of the people and madetliem uneasy. The missionaries, both men and women,unmoved by outward conditions have sought by honest<juiet,and hard work to strengthen the Christian communities., It is characteristic of the German missionawork that the missionaries arethe dhhiese" very closelybound to the Chinese Christian communities.They show that they are intimately acquainted with everything which takes place among them. While this is anadvantage, it certainly entails much trouble and work.This should not be understood to imply that we are notworking to make the Chinese independent; rather is it ourdesire for their independence that leads us to devote ourselves in a special measure to their up-building. Only whenboth inwardly and outwardly they reach the full staturein Christ Jesus,"can they truly be independent. The missionaries visit as a rule every out-station four times eachyear. This means extensive itineration, inasmuch as eachmission has from seven to ten out-stations.

"LUTHERAN GROUP 89The missionary holds quarterly conferences with hisChinese fellow-workers. These serve not merely to keep himin close touch with the work but also assist in the development of the workers and the deepening of their spirituallife.Another characteristic of the German misChristmassions is their endeavour to make indigenous inChina the German idea of Christmas in all its beauty andinner meaning. These celebrations are a time of joy andvictory. As in olden times the children of Israel went upto Jerusalem, so now the Christians from all the out-stationsgather together in the central station at Christmas time inorder to unitedly praise God in Christ. They there learn toknow one another and experience something of the "fellowship of the saints." Most of these little communities oi.Christians have Christmas funds from which the expensesof these gatherings are paid.At one of the stations the school girls added this yearto the enjoyment of the occasion by giving a Christmasentertainment. Miss Laura White s pamphlet was used forpurpose. The entertainment was extremely popularboth with the Christians and non-Christians and had to berepeated. Many a proud Chinese learned there for the firsttime the real meaning of Christmas.At the close of the gathering the graduating exercises ofthe Girls School in Shiuchow took place. Four girls whohad completed the seven years course received theircertificates in the presence of officials and heads of thegovernment schools. It was taken for granted that suchexercises in a Christian school should recogn.ze the word ofGod and begin with prayer. As long as the Governmentallows us this liberty, we are quite ready to bring our schoolsunder government regulations so as not to give even theappearance of desiring to build a state within the state.The word of St. Paul bears on this, Obey them that havethe rule over you and submit to them."The ^ lieOutlook superintendent of the Mission, Mr.Kollecker, on a trip through his section ofthe field found the conditions of the Church better than heexpected. He found an active Christian life and deepA 11

<c88 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESTwo German missionaries, Wannags and Hildebrand,are having: an enforced vacation in Japan as prisoners ofwar, and it is quite impossible to state when the end will be.The work of missions has been injuriously affected by thegeneral world-situation, but reference to the fact need notbe made here, for every true missionary, who is in earnestin preaching the gospel, has found this out for himself._,,, . South China was visited in July by agreat flood. In a large part of the field ofthe Berlin Mission the first rice crop was largely destroyed.With hard work seed-grain was secured and fields wereagain planted. It was hoped that the second crop wouldmake up for the losses of the first. Hut aJas! God in hiswisdom sent on China a second woe/ The second cropwas spoiled through drought. Not a drop of rain fell untilit was too late.At that time there was much murmuring againstHeaven and Earth on the parl of non-Christians, but therewas little recognition of personal sin.Toward the close of the year all kinds ofrumours of political unrest and of changestirred the hearts of the people and madetliem uneasy. The missionaries, both men and women,unmoved by outward conditions have sought by honest<juiet,and hard work to strengthen the Christian communities., It is characteristic of the German missionawork that the missionaries arethe dhhiese" very closelybound to the Chinese Christian communities.They show that they are intimately acquainted with everything which takes place among them. While this is anadvantage, it certainly entails much trouble and work.This should not be understood to imply that we are notworking to make the Chinese independent; rather is it ourdesire for their independence that leads us to devote ourselves in a special measure to their up-building. Only whenboth inwardly and outwardly they reach the full staturein Christ Jesus,"can they truly be independent. The missionaries visit as a rule every out-station four times eachyear. This means extensive itineration, inasmuch as eachmission has from seven to ten out-stations.

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