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"occupation:86 MISSIONS AND CHURCHEScolony, found employment in other places. Two of them,the writer of this article and the llev. A. Nagel, are fortunately engaged in literary work. The translation of the entireBible into Hakka has been completed, and was to be issuedin March, 1916. A new monthly,"Christ enbotfiir die Hakka,"has been issued by the Rev. Dr. Oehler and found manysubscribers among the Basel Mission Church. At Kaying alarge boarding school including a normal school class forgirls of the well-to-do class of that city was opened inFebruary, and the building of a large chapel was commenced at the same place in September. Other necessary buildings at several places have had to be postponed until thewar is over, and the financial situation is more satisfactory.A number of the missionary staff are overworked andshould have a vacation to restore their health. Some of themhave been on the field more than ten years without furlough,but they have to wait till peace is restored. The lesson weneed to learn is "to count it all joy when we fall into diverstemptations, knowing this, that the trying of our faithworketh patience, but patience will have her perfect \vork ;that we may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.""Blessed is the man that endureth temptations; for when heis tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lordhath promised to them that love him."BERLINERMISSIONSGESELLSCHAFTStation^ \\ith dates<>!(Berlin Missionary Society) (1850)W. Leuschner-Ki<.ni.<j*i : Nuimnfu (190;t) ;Kiranyhiixj: Canton (1SIV7), Chilling (1S99), Dschuthongau (1891),Hongkong ( ), Luklmng (1SU7), Xamyuiig (I89o), Schakkok(1902), Sliiuchoxv (li)Ol-J), Sinjin (]89;5), Waichow (1M1), Yinfsi(1902); Hhanttnty: Kiaochow (1908), Tsimo (1901), Tsingtau (1898).Missionaries 29, Employed (Chinese Stafl ]4. 5, Communicants(1,25:; (19ir>).1rFff t fth W"m)M ^ y nas been a f serious, difficult1year for the Berlin Mission in China, but onewhich will surely be followed by a great blessing. We werehindered from lengthening our cords,"but have endeavoured to hold by patient, honest work what we had gained

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