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. The.84 MISSIONS AND CHURCHESleader but a father, personally acquainted and knitted together in love with every one of the mission staff. The Rev.H. Dipper has been appointed his successor as a Director ofthe Basel Mission, and the Inspector of the Chinese branch.Further we mourn the death of two senior missionaries, whodied in the homeland last year: the late Rev. GustavGussmann (Inspector of Schools and Chairman of theGeneral Conference in China from 1869 till 1907) , who diedat Osehelbron-Pforzheim in February, 1915; and the lateRev. Gottlieb Reuseli (chairman of the finance departmentin China from 1872 till 1908) who died at Cannstadt duringMay, 1915. Besides those, Mrs. Neubacker (in China 1906-1913) died at Attersee, Austria, in March, 1915 and Mrs.Kriiger (in China 1907-1911) died at Topeka, Kansas,T1 . S. A., in April, 1915.On the mission field we deplore the loss oi two missionaries: Rev. lleinrich Ziegler (since 1877 in China) whodied at Moilim, Kwangtiiiig, in October, 1915, and one youngman, who, \ve regret to say, had to be dismissed during thelast1yea European missionary staff has been re-eniby only one new man. the Rev. Johannes Shoop, aSwiss, who arrived early in November. Not less thantwelve ordained missionaries and their wives and twomedical men with their wives have been kept at home andcannot return to their work in China until the war hascome to an end.TVTT. The findings of the great conferences heldMission Policy .. ^ .. , (i ,Chonglok irom January 5-11, i914 andat Kowloon-thong from March 17-28, 1914 under the presidency of Inspector Rev. 31. Dipper, v, hi 1st he visited theChinese mission field, have been put before and discussedby the home board.The programme which has been fixed runs as follows :GUI attitude toward political interests should be one ofstrict neutrality. The present opportunity for Christianpropaganda on ihe mission field ought to be fertilized byenergetic evangelistic efforts, by systematic women s work,by promotion and development of school work, by Christianapologetics and .literature 1 , by guiding the self-supportingcongregations to self -government.

LUTHERAN GROUP 85To realize this programme it was suggested that theEuropean mission stair ought to be re-eliforeed by thaaddition of specialists, such as specially trained teachers, anarchitect and others: that the education of missionarystudents at home ought to be deepened ami enriched byevangelistic training and on the mission field by a language,school, and by allowing there a certain time to be introducedin mission work by senior missionaries ;that (Ten the wivesof missionaries ought to be trained in special courses forwomen s work on the field, etc.; that more executive powerthan hitherto ought to be bestowed upon the representativesof the home board on the field; that auxiliary resources andcredits ought to be opened; that the European missionariesought to be relieved from duties which can be laid on theshoulders of the Chinese workers; that the period betweenfurloughs onght to be shortened. With regard to the Chinesestaff need is felt for re-enforcement, for deepening of thereligious life, for evangelistic training, for education in theline of leadership and self-government.It was to be foreseen that this programme could not berealized at once, but nobody could know beforehand the interruption which would be caused by the outbreak of theEuropean \Yar and its; consequences. Nevertheless thestatutes of the new organization of the Basel Mission Churchin China have been fixed and completed in a very satisfactorymanner., The situation created by the war made itthe War impossible to venture upon new enterprises.The congregations of the Base] Mission in theCrown colony, Hongkong, and in the adjacent British XewTerritory, as well as the schools, lost their European leacWship,and have been compelled to look out for themselves.On account of this, some of the schools have been temporarily closed. Two native pastors have been in charge of thesedeserted congregations,due of them. Rev. Tschong Shangfoat Chamshuipo, has done a very good work during thelast year and has baptized fourteen children of Christiansand thirty-five adults, so that this congregation numbersnow two hundred fifty members. The three missionariesformerly stationed at Hongkong, who had to leave the British

LUTHERAN GROUP 85To realize this programme it was suggested that theEuropean mission stair ought to be re-eliforeed by thaaddition of specialists, such as specially trained teachers, anarchitect and others: that the education of missionarystudents at home ought to be deepened ami enriched byevangelistic training and on the mission field by a language,school, and by allowing there a certain time to be introducedin mission work by senior missionaries ;that (Ten the wivesof missionaries ought to be trained in special courses forwomen s work on the field, etc.; that more executive powerthan hitherto ought to be bestowed upon the representativesof the home board on the field; that auxiliary resources andcredits ought to be opened; that the European missionariesought to be relieved from duties which can be laid on theshoulders of the Chinese workers; that the period betweenfurloughs onght to be shortened. With regard to the Chinesestaff need is felt for re-enforcement, for deepening of thereligious life, for evangelistic training, for education in theline of leadership and self-government.It was to be foreseen that this programme could not berealized at once, but nobody could know beforehand the interruption which would be caused by the outbreak of theEuropean \Yar and its; consequences. Nevertheless thestatutes of the new organization of the Basel Mission Churchin China have been fixed and completed in a very satisfactorymanner., The situation created by the war made itthe War impossible to venture upon new enterprises.The congregations of the Base] Mission in theCrown colony, Hongkong, and in the adjacent British XewTerritory, as well as the schools, lost their European leacWship,and have been compelled to look out for themselves.On account of this, some of the schools have been temporarily closed. Two native pastors have been in charge of thesedeserted congregations,due of them. Rev. Tschong Shangfoat Chamshuipo, has done a very good work during thelast year and has baptized fourteen children of Christiansand thirty-five adults, so that this congregation numbersnow two hundred fifty members. The three missionariesformerly stationed at Hongkong, who had to leave the British

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