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KmployedCHAPTERLUTHERANVIIIGROUPEVANGELISCHE MISSIONSGESELLSCHAFT ZU BASEL(Basel Evangelical Missionary Society) (1847)Otto Schultze<>9,Stations with elates of occupation: AVam// //////: Chonghangkang(1888), Chonglok (1908), ChmigtPim (184), Hokshiha (188<>),Hongkong (1852), Hopinghsien (UKtf), Jloshoowan (1885), Hoy Im(1901), Kaying (188;;), Kuchuk (1879), Lilouir (1859), Linpingchow(1909), Lokong (1901), Longhen (1882), Moilini (1889), Nyenluvngli(18<)l>).Missionaries Chinese Staff;>1<>,Communicants7,4.-!7 (1914).September 24th, 1915 was the hundredth anniversaryof the establishment of the Basel Mission. The mission washorn amidst the roar of cannon during the first Napoleonicwar. Its centenary has fallen during the disasters of thepresent European War and has been celebrated silently withprayer, thanksgiving and self-humiliation.The most important events of the past year so far asthey concern the work of the Basel Mission in China are:First, changes in the personnel of the mission staj|\ andin its leadership,Second, the result of the visit and inspection of thefHdby the Rev. Heinrich Dipper, andThird, the situation created by the European war.Str We heartily deplore the death of the JateRev. Theodore Friedrieh Oehler, D.D., who,ffrom 1881 until his death, which occurred at Basel, June15, 1915, was not only the General Director of the BaselMission, but also the Inspector of the Mission s work inChina.His passing away means a great loss for the missionstaff as well as for the whole Basel Mission work in China.He visited and inspected the Chinese mission field during1888 and 1889, and from that time his heart belongedentirely to China. We lost not only the head Advisor and

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