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CONGREGATIONAL GROUP 79p f<The Missions are organizing their work onmodern lines. In the North China Missionthe men s and women s Chinese and foreign work is nl lhronght together into one organization. The three provinces,Chihli, Shantung and Shansi send sixteen delegates to theNorth China Council, each station being represented by oneChinese and one foreigner. This meeting was held at Tientsin. Each of the named provinces has a provincial ordistrict association which handles the business of the province. Each station has a station association. The ad interim work is done by four standing committees :evangelistic,educational, social service, and property. From these arechosen the members of a standing executive committeeof eleven, to which all matter s requiring attention betweenannual meetings are referred.In the Foochow Mission the annual meeting composedof pastors, preachers and laymen works through the PastorsClub, the finance committees and other committees in fixingsalaries, making appointment to work, dividing the appropriation from home. At the last annual meeting a church -building committee was appointed which will help weakchurches in putting up buildings. Kadi district has a quarterly district meeting which bandit s the business of the district.The aim of both plans is to make each mission a unit inadministration and organization. The workers are beingrelated to their Chinese constituency rather than to themission and individual missionaries. The mission fundsare related to the Chinese administrative body rather thanto individuals. The whole aim isChristianizing by workingwith the Chinese rather than by working for them. It- istoo early to speak of results but already an increasedinterest and an aggressive initiative arc evident.

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