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CONTENTSPREFACECONTENTSCONTRIBUTORSPART L GENERAL REVIEW OF THE YEARChapteriii-vvi-xixii-xviiPAOEL Two DECADES OF CHANGES IN CHINA A. JT. .Smith 1II. EFFECT OF THE WAR ON MISSIONS IN CHINA.D. MacGillivray 11III. CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 1915 F. L. Pratt 2iIV. ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL CONDITIONS IN CHINA DURING 1915 .Tul en n Arnold CcPART II.MISSIONS AND CHURCHESV. ANGLICAN GROUPVI.VII.VIII.Church Missionnry Society for Africa and the East 44Church of England Zenana Missionary Society ...W. Banister 44Domestic and Foreign Mission Society of the ProtestantEpiscopal Church in the United Stales of Am?ricaK. 11. Graves 51Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in ForeignParts Diocese of North Ch na, Frank L. Norris 55Dioc-ese of Shantung, Geoffrey D. II iff. 57Missionary Work of the Chung Hun Slieng Kung HuiS. C. Huang 58BAPTIST GROUPThe American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. ...T. T. Proctor (>,Baptist Missionary Society J. I*. Bruce (>9Foreign C hristian Missionary Society Frank Garret t 72Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist ConventionC. G. McDaniel 71CONGREGATIONAL GROUPAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign MissionsLewis Hodons 76London Missionary Society W. Hopkyn Eees 80LUTHERAN GROUPEvangelische Missionsgesellschaft zu Basel (Basel Evangelical Missionnry Society) Otto SchuJtze 83}

ChapterCONTENTS VI 1I AGEBerliner Missiousgesellsehaft (Berlin Missionary Society)W. Leusclmer 80Danske Missiousselskab (Danish Missionary Society)S. A. Ellerbek 90Norsk Lulherskc Norwegian LutheranLvinamissionsforbund(China Mission Association) 0. M. Sama 92Norske Missionsselskab (Norwegian Missionary Society)J. A. O. Gotteberg 94Rheiuische Missionsgesellschaft (Rhenish Missionary Society) H. Rieke 07Svenska Missionsforbundets (Swedish Mission Union)K. A. Fernstrom 99United Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of AmericaEditor 101IX.METHODIST GROUPMissionary Society of the Methodist Church, CanadaR, O. Joliffe 104Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist EpiscopalChurch Edward James 108Board of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church,South A. P. Parker 112Church Missionary Society. United Methodist ..F. B. TurnerWesleyan Methodist Missionary Society G. A. Clayton119X. PRESBYTERIAN GROUPForeign Mission Committee of the Presbyterian Church inCanada J. D. MacRae 122Foreign Mission Committee of the Presbyterian Church ofEngland G. M. Wales 12)Foreign Mission of Presbyterian Church in Ireland. ..Editor 128Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church inthe United States of America J. Walter Lowrie l. >0Executive Committee of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in I he United States P. F. Price l.MBoard of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church inAmerica H. P. DePree 1 J7Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in theUnited States Editor 140United Free Church of Scotland smitteeForeign Mission Com...James W. Inglis141XT.OTHER MISSIONS AND ASSOCIATIONSChina Inland Mission and Associate Missions... Jan.es f tark 144Christian and Missionary Alliance R. A. J affray1-3-1

CONTENTSPREFACECONTENTSCONTRIBUTORSPART L GENERAL REVIEW OF THE YEARChapteriii-vvi-xixii-xviiPAOEL Two DECADES OF CHANGES IN CHINA A. JT. .Smith 1II. EFFECT OF THE WAR ON MISSIONS IN CHINA.D. MacGillivray 11III. CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 1915 F. L. Pratt 2iIV. ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL CONDITIONS IN CHINA DURING 1915 .Tul en n Arnold CcPART II.MISSIONS AND CHURCHESV. ANGLICAN GROUPVI.VII.VIII.Church Missionnry Society for Africa and the East 44Church of England Zenana Missionary Society ...W. Banister 44Domestic and Foreign Mission Society of the ProtestantEpiscopal Church in the United Stales of Am?ricaK. 11. Graves 51Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in ForeignParts Diocese of North Ch na, Frank L. Norris 55Dioc-ese of Shantung, Geoffrey D. II iff. 57Missionary Work of the Chung Hun Slieng Kung HuiS. C. Huang 58BAPTIST GROUPThe American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. ...T. T. Proctor (>,Baptist Missionary Society J. I*. Bruce (>9Foreign C hristian Missionary Society Frank Garret t 72Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist ConventionC. G. McDaniel 71CONGREGATIONAL GROUPAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign MissionsLewis Hodons 76London Missionary Society W. Hopkyn Eees 80LUTHERAN GROUPEvangelische Missionsgesellschaft zu Basel (Basel Evangelical Missionnry Society) Otto SchuJtze 83}

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