Changeling - Beyond Arcadia [Unofficial].pdf

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Scathach StarshipUsers: House ScathachRange: Medium to LongUsage: Transport and DefenseDescription: The Scathach alien-looking ship.Clone FighterUsers: Androids, RobotsRange: LongUsage: Transport, Defense and Attack.Description: A stripped down modified version ofthe Pirate Y-wing.Giga FighterUsers: AnamoriRange: LongUsage: PatrolDescription: Main vehicles use in the AnamoriEarth Defense Core.CHiMeRa OmniformUsers: CHiMeRaRange: LongUsage: Travel and DefenseDescription: Alien ship made by an alien phyla.Star League CruiserUsers: Dopplegangers, Star LeagueRange: LongUsage: DefenseDescription: A ship similar to the Liam OmniCruiser, but more seen.JumpshipUsers: Imperial House of CentauriRange: LongUsage: TransportDescription: An experimental ship which usesWayfare in its design.Conclave ColonyshipUsers: The MyriadRange: LongUsage: Transport, Base of OperationsDescription: The colonization ships of the myriad.Neutrino RunnerUsers: NeutrinosRange: LongUsage: Joy ridingDescription: Strange little quick ship.Attilan SpaceshipUsers: New AtlanteansRange: MediumUsage: TransportDescription: Transport of the New Atlanteans.Dreamer StarshipUsers: PsirensRange: LongUsage: TransportDescription: A ship powered by thought.Molecular FighterUsers: House AvalonRange: Medium to LongUsage: DefenseDescription: A multi-vector attack fighter.Borg StarshipUsers: The BorgRange: LongUsage: AssimilationDescription: A strange technical juggernaut.Draconis SpelljammerUsers: House DracosRange: LongUsage: Transport and DefenseDescription: A large starship big enough to holdone full grown dragon.G-tech FighterUsers: House GoodfellowRange: LongUsage: Multi-taskDescription: Strange fighter - strange technology.G-Mek Alpha FighterUsers: Iron Nation, HsienRange: Medium to LongUsage: Attack and DefenseDescription: Standard Iron Nation fighter.Gossamer SailerUsers: House MarinerRange: Medium to LongUsage: TravelDescription: An elegant sailing vessel.Ringdancer FighterUsers: The RingdancersRange: Medium to LongUsage: Defense and TrainingDescription: A small fighter.Manasu Warp ShuttleUsers: House VulcanRange: Medium to LongUsage: TransportDescription: Standard type Vulcan shuttle.Falcons of KahlessUsers: The Sons of KahlessRange: Medium to LongUsage: Defense, Patrol and AttackDescription: Standard ship of the Sons of Kahless.Event HorizonUsers: Clan MalkavianRange: UnknownUsage: Experimental ExplorationDescription: Ship of experimental technology<strong>Changeling</strong> - <strong>Beyond</strong> <strong>Arcadia</strong> Page 16 of 17

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