
2016SHSAT_English 2016SHSAT_English


88. Joe began to increase the speed of his car at2:00 p.m. Since that time, the speed of Joe’scar has been steadily increasing by 11__2 ​milesper hour for each half minute that has passed.If the car is now traveling 651__ ​miles per2hour, for how many minutes has the car beenexceeding the speed limit of 55 miles per hour?F. 3​ 1 __3 ​minG. 3​ 1 __2 ​minH. 4​ 1 __2 ​minJ. 5 min91. A steel container is shaped like a cube 10 feeton each side. This container is being filledwith water at a rate of 7 cubic feet per minute.At the same time, water is leaking from thebottom of the container at a rate of 2 cubic feetper minute. If the container is exactly halffilledat 9:00 a.m., at what time will the containerbegin to overflow?92.A. 9:55 a.m.B. 10:00 a.m.C. 10:11 a.m.D. 10:40 a.m.E. 12:20 p.m.40˚• QK. 7 min89. How many positive two-digit numbers areevenly divisible by 4?A. 22B. 23C. 24D. 25E. 2690. If x, y, and z are numbers such thatxy 1 xz 5 100, what is the value ofx__ ​(3y 1 3z) 1 10?5F. 60 1 2xG. 62H. 70J. 130K. 130 1 2xP•x˚y˚•45˚The figure above shows three intersectingstraight lines. What is the value of y – x?F. 40G. 50H. 85J. 95K. 13593. Each week, Arnold has fixed expenses of$1,250 at his furniture shop. It costs Arnold$150 to make a chair in his shop, and he sellseach chair for $275. What is Arnold’s profit ifhe makes and sells 25 chairs in 1 week?A. $1,875B. $2,500C. $3,125D. $3,750E. $4,375RCONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1FORM B94

94.M94-031C75 ft100 ft97. Marta and Kim are sisters. Five years ago,Kim’s age was twice as great as Marta’s age.If Marta is now m years old, which expressionrepresents Kim’s age now?A. 2m 1 5B. 2mC. 2(m 2 5)D. 2(m 1 5) 2 5E. 2(m 2 5) 1 5The drawing above represents a rectangularlot containing a building, indicated by theshaded region. The dashed lines divide thelot into twelve equal-sized squares. If theunshaded portion of the lot is to be paved,about how many square feet will be paved?F. 4,000 sq ftG. 5,000 sq ftH. 6,000 sq ftJ. 7,000 sq ftK. 8,000 sq ft95. In a restaurant, the mean annual salary of the4 chefs is $68,000, and the mean annual salaryof the 8 waiters is $47,000. What is the meanannual salary of all 12 employees?A. $47,000B. $54,000C. $55,500D. $57,500E. $61,00096. One week the price of gasoline dropped by$0.05 per gallon. Madison’s car travels27 miles each way to work, and her cartravels 30 miles on each gallon of gasoline.What were her total savings, to the nearestcent, over the 5-day work week?F. $0.23G. $0.25H. $0.30J. $0.45K. $0.5098. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}Company X wants to assign each employeea 3-digit ID number formed from digits inthe set shown above. No digit may appearmore than once in an ID number, and notwo employees may be assigned the same IDnumber. What is the greatest total number ofpossible different ID numbers?F. 20G. 120H. 180J. 216E. 72099. A rectangular floor is 12 feet wide and 16 feetlong. It must be covered with square tiles thatare 8 inches on each side. Assume there is nospace between adjacent tiles. If the tiles cost$8 each, how much will it cost to buy the tilesneeded to cover the floor?A. $24B. $64C. $192D. $2,304E. $3,456100. What is the greatest prime factor of 5,355?F. 17G. 51H. 119J. 131K. 153FORM B95THIS IS THE END OF THE TEST. IF TIMEREMAINS, YOU MAY CHECK YOUR ANSWERS TOPART 2 AND PART 1. BE SURE THAT THERE ARENO STRAY MARKS, PARTIALLY FILLED ANSWERCIRCLES, OR INCOMPLETE ERASURES ON YOURANSWER SHEET. ■

88. Joe began to increase the speed of his car at2:00 p.m. Since that time, the speed of Joe’scar has been steadily increasing by 11__2 ​milesper hour for each half minute that has passed.If the car is now traveling 651__ ​miles per2hour, for how many minutes has the car beenexceeding the speed limit of 55 miles per hour?F. 3​ 1 __3 ​minG. 3​ 1 __2 ​minH. 4​ 1 __2 ​minJ. 5 min91. A steel container is shaped like a cube 10 feeton each side. This container is being filledwith water at a rate of 7 cubic feet per minute.At the same time, water is leaking from thebottom of the container at a rate of 2 cubic feetper minute. If the container is exactly halffilledat 9:00 a.m., at what time will the containerbegin to overflow?92.A. 9:55 a.m.B. 10:00 a.m.C. 10:11 a.m.D. 10:40 a.m.E. 12:20 p.m.40˚• QK. 7 min89. How many positive two-digit numbers areevenly divisible by 4?A. 22B. 23C. 24D. 25E. 2690. If x, y, and z are numbers such thatxy 1 xz 5 100, what is the value ofx__ ​(3y 1 3z) 1 10?5F. 60 1 2xG. 62H. 70J. 130K. 130 1 2xP•x˚y˚•45˚The figure above shows three intersectingstraight lines. What is the value of y – x?F. 40G. 50H. 85J. 95K. 13593. Each week, Arnold has fixed expenses of$1,250 at his furniture shop. It costs Arnold$150 to make a chair in his shop, and he sellseach chair for $275. What is Arnold’s profit ifhe makes and sells 25 chairs in 1 week?A. $1,875B. $2,500C. $3,125D. $3,750E. $4,375RCONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1FORM B94

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