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46. In the research study described in the secondparagraph, after volunteers said words thatplaced their facial muscles into smiles, whatdid the researchers do?F. cooled down the blood entering the volunteers’brainsG. asked the volunteers to say words like“few”H. explained the purpose of the study to thevolunteersJ. placed the volunteers’ facial muscles intofrownsK. determined how happy the volunteers felt47. Why was Darwin’s theory not accepted duringhis lifetime?A. Scientists could not think of a way to testhis theory.B. Most scientists mistakenly believed thatemotions were caused by thoughts.C. Scientists did not understand the functionof the hypothalamus.D. Scientists did not study emotions until thetwentieth century.E. Accurate measurement of blood temperaturewas not possible.50. What do researchers believe about thehypothalamus? F. It prevents mild depression.G. It manages emotions.H. It regulates the temperature of blood.J. It causes negative emotions, such as fear,rather than positive emotions.K. It regulates the flow of blood to the brain.CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 148. According to the theory described in lines33-36, what effect might saying a word suchas “cheese” have on a person?F. It makes a person’s face appear to frown.G. It relaxes the blood vessels leading to thecarotid artery.H. It may cool the blood flowing to thehypothalamus.J. It produces the facial expression associatedwith fear.K. It does not affect the speaker’s mood.49. What is the notion referred to in line 19?A. Smiling can make people feel happy.B. People who feel happy tend to smile.C. Psychologists can conduct research onemotions.D. Theories change over time.E. Certain words cause the speaker to smileor frown.FORM B87

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