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510152025Most movies about spies and undercoveragents feature fascinating special equipment.Many of these gadgets exist only inthe imaginations of script writers, but othersare actually used in espionage activities.One device with a surprisingly long andcolorful history, both in and out of the cloakand-daggerworld, is the concealed camera.In the late nineteenth century, “detectivecameras” were popular with amateurphotographers who wanted to take snapshotsof unsuspecting people on the street.The camera was usually carried in plainview. Its disguise was simple: it was a plainbox resembling a large and rather heavyparcel or a piece of luggage, with no externallens or controls. When people caught onto the deception, though, designers beganhiding cameras in other objects, rangingfrom hats and books to purses and pocketwatches. One concealed camera even lookedlike an ordinary camera, but had mirrorsthat allowed users to take photographs at aright angle to the direction of whatever thephotographer seemed to be viewing.5101520255055606570expressed through propaganda, arms races,and especially espionage. During the ColdWar, both sides competed to develop newtechnologies to use photography in spying.Sophisticated concealed cameras were put inmatchboxes, pens, rings, cigarette lighters,makeup cases, guns, and even hidden inclothing, with the lens concealed in a button.Almost any object that could be carriedwithout attracting attention was probablymade into a camera and carried by anundercover agent. Cameras were alsohidden in furniture and office machinessuch as copiers, which took photos of everydocument that was copied. The developmentof the long-range telephoto lens even allowedspies to take clear photos from a distance,such as across the street from an embassy.Today, space has proven to be the ultimatelocation for hidden cameras, as satellitemountedcameras can produce highlydetailed photographs of objects anywhereon earth.505560657030354045Although most early spy cameras weremeant to be used on the ground, camerashave been hidden in the sky almost fromthe beginning of photography. In WorldWar I, both sides realized the strategicvalue of taking aerial photographs of enemyterritory from the newly invented airplane.To spy more discreetly, without the use ofairplanes, the Germans attached cameras tohoming pigeons and sent them over Frencharmy positions. Timers were set to triggerthe cameras when the pigeons were expectedto be flying over their targets. Thatparticular attempt proved impractical, butthe idea behind it did not: aerial photographybecame a staple of World War II.In the mid-twentieth century, a new era ofspying with cameras began under the ColdWar. This was a period of worldwide tensionand competition between the Communistworld, led by the Soviet Union, and theWestern world, represented by the UnitedStates and its allies. The conflict was3035404533. Which of the following best tells what thispassage is about?A. the role of hidden cameras in nationalsecurityB. the problems associated with hiddencamerasC. the mechanics of the “detective camera”D. historical information about the concealedcameraE. how cameras are mounted in satellites34. According to the passage, “detective cameras”were popular with F. spies.G. airplane pilots.H. the German army.J. professional photographers.K. amateur photographers.FORM B82CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE

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