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28. Which of the following is most likely an exampleof material circulated in the earliest phaseof samizdat? F. a letter protesting a writer’s imprisonmentG. a true account of life in the secret policeH. a short storyJ. a list of political prisonersK. an article from a foreign newspaper29. The phrase “a knock at his door in the middleof the night” (lines 47-48) most likely refers toa visit by A. Boris Pasternak.B. the secret police.C. a member of the Nobel Prize committee.D. a participant in the samizdat network.E. a political exile.30. According to the passage, how did the use ofcomputers influence samizdat publishing?F. The content of samizdat materials becameexclusively technical. G. Scientific research was published throughsamizdat networks.H. Computers made it possible to smuggleDoctor Zhivago out of the country.J. Computers made the distribution of samizdatmaterial more efficient.K. Computers made identification of samizdatauthors easier for the secret police.32. After 1989, “samizdat networks quickly faded”(lines 75-76) for which of the followingreasons?F. The networks were no longer necessaryafter censorship was abolished.G. The works produced by the networks couldnot compete with works published inWestern countries.H. Samizdat was successfully banned bygovernment censors.J. The networks were replaced by the use ofcomputers.K. Opposition to the government went deeperunderground than before.CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE31. What is the most likely reason that samizdatmaterials were unsigned or signed with falsenames? A. to allow the materials to be smuggled outsidethe Soviet UnionB. to protect the writer from punishmentC. to shield the identities of members of thesecret policeD. to undermine the trustworthiness of thematerialsE. to prevent the materials from being copiedFORM B81

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