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15. At Midway School, each new student is pairedwith an older student partner. The newstudents are Bai, Gloria, Sandro, and Henry.The older student partners are Edgar, Paola,Rakim, and Whitney.1) Sandro and Whitney are paired.2) Bai is not paired with Rakim.3) Edgar is not paired with Gloria or Bai.Who is paired with Paola?A. BaiB. GloriaC. HenryD. EdgarE. Rakim16. When Tomas wears his white shirt, he alsowears a tie. When he wears a tie, he alsowears his black shoes.Based only on the information above, which ofthe following statements is a valid conclusion?F. When Tomas wears his black shoes, thenhe is wearing his white shirt.G. Tomas wears his black shoes only when heis wearing a tie.H. When Tomas wears his white shirt, thenhe is also wearing his black shoes.J. If Tomas is not wearing his white shirt,then he is not wearing a tie.K. If Tomas is not wearing a tie, then he isnot wearing his black shoes.17. Jack played three instruments in the orchestra.He played violin for two years, cello for threeyears, and bass for three years. He neverplayed more than two instruments during thesame year. The first year, Jack played only theviolin.What is the least number of years Jack couldhave played in the orchestra?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7E. 818. At the race track, four race car drivers stoodside by side, their backs toward you. Eachdriver stood facing his or her race car.1) The brown car was to the right of theorange car.2) Jorge stood immediately to Anya’s right.3) Marquise, who was to Jorge’s right, ownedthe white car.4) Patrick did not own the silver car.5) Anya owned the orange car.Which race car driver stood at the far right?F. JorgeG. AnyaH. MarquiseJ. PatrickK. Cannot be determined from theinformation given.CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1FORM B76

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