
2016SHSAT_English 2016SHSAT_English


Paragraph 4When contemporary Native American tribes meet for a powwow, one of the most popularceremonies is the women’s jingle dress dance.______ Q. During this type of dance, the dancers blend complicated footwork with a series ofgentle hops, done in rhythm to a drumbeat.______ R. In the past, it is believed, the dress worn by the jingle-dress dancer was adornedby shells.______ S. These actions cause decorations sewn on the dancer’s dress to strike each other as sheperforms, creating a lovely jingling sound.______ T. Besides being more readily available than shells, the lids are thought to create asofter, more subtle sound.______ U. The modern jingle dress no longer has shells, but is decorated with rows of tincones, made from the lids of snuff cans, rolled up and sewn onto the dress.Paragraph 5To the earliest European traders, Africa seemed to be loosely organized into tribal societies,without any great centers of wealth or learning.______ Q. He described a thriving metropolis with great universities and dozens of privatelibraries.______ R. Unfortunately, by the nineteenth century raids by neighboring tribes had madeTimbuktu a shadow of its former self.______ S. This impression began to change in the fifteenth century, as Europeans traveledinland into western Africa.______ T. In 1470, an Italian merchant named Benedetto Dei traveled to Timbuktu andconfirmed these stories.______ U. The travelers told tales of an enormous city, known as Timbuktu, on the southernedge of the Sahara Desert, where the markets were crowded with goods and gold wasbought and sold.CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1FORM B74

Logical ReasoningQUESTIONS 11-20DIRECTIONS: Read the information given and choose the best answer to each question. Base youranswer only on the information given.In a logical reasoning test, certain words must be read with caution. For example, “The red house isbetween the yellow and blue houses” does not necessarily mean “The red house is between and nextto the yellow and blue houses”; one or more other houses may separate the red house from the yellowhouse or from the blue house. This precaution also applies to words such as above, below, before, after,ahead of, and behind.11. Three children—Raquel, Tiara, and Xing—each own one pet. The pets are a parrot, aniguana, and a hamster. Xing does not ownthe hamster.Which of the following additional pieces ofinformation is needed to determine who ownsthe iguana?A. Tiara owns the hamster.B. Raquel does not own the hamster.C. Raquel owns the parrot.D. Xing owns the parrot.E. Tiara does not own the hamster.12. Some teachers went to the lecture on how notto be boring. None of the teachers left thelecture early.Based only on the information above, which ofthe following statements must be true?F. If Miriam left the lecture early, then she isnot a teacher.G. If François is not a teacher, he was not atthe lecture.H. Lu-San went to the lecture, so she is ateacher.J. If Peter was not a teacher, then he left thelecture early.K. Tom did not go to the lecture, so he is not ateacher.13. There are four towns in Jefferson County:Elmont, Richland, Lendle, and Mopley.Highway 14 is closed from Elmont to Richlandbecause of flooding.1) Lendle is between Elmont and Richlandon Highway 14.2) Mopley can be reached from Lendle, withoutgoing through Elmont or Richland.Which of the following statements is a validconclusion from the statements above?A. Mopley is not flooded.B. Either Elmont or Richland is flooded.C. Both Elmont and Richland are flooded.D. No one can drive to Lendle on Highway 14.E. Mopley cannot be reached directly fromElmont.14. Sidney was in a contest with Alice, Huang,and Mariah to see whose airplane could flyhighest.1) Alice’s airplane flew higher than Huang’sairplane.2) Mariah’s airplane did not fly as high asAlice’s airplane.Based only on the information above, which ofthe following is a valid conclusion?F. Alice won the contest.G. Sidney’s airplane flew higher than Mariah’s.H. Mariah’s airplane flew higher than Huang’s.J. If Sidney finished second, Alice won.K. If Sidney finished second, Huang finishedthird.FORM B75CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1

Paragraph 4When contemporary Native American tribes meet for a powwow, one of the most popularceremonies is the women’s jingle dress dance.______ Q. During this type of dance, the dancers blend complicated footwork with a series ofgentle hops, done in rhythm to a drumbeat.______ R. In the past, it is believed, the dress worn by the jingle-dress dancer was adornedby shells.______ S. These actions cause decorations sewn on the dancer’s dress to strike each other as sheperforms, creating a lovely jingling sound.______ T. Besides being more readily available than shells, the lids are thought to create asofter, more subtle sound.______ U. The modern jingle dress no longer has shells, but is decorated with rows of tincones, made from the lids of snuff cans, rolled up and sewn onto the dress.Paragraph 5To the earliest European traders, Africa seemed to be loosely organized into tribal societies,without any great centers of wealth or learning.______ Q. He described a thriving metropolis with great universities and dozens of privatelibraries.______ R. Unfortunately, by the nineteenth century raids by neighboring tribes had madeTimbuktu a shadow of its former self.______ S. This impression began to change in the fifteenth century, as Europeans traveledinland into western Africa.______ T. In 1470, an Italian merchant named Benedetto Dei traveled to Timbuktu andconfirmed these stories.______ U. The travelers told tales of an enormous city, known as Timbuktu, on the southernedge of the Sahara Desert, where the markets were crowded with goods and gold wasbought and sold.CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1FORM B74

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