
2016SHSAT_English 2016SHSAT_English


Sample Test – verbalExplanations of Correct Answers AForm38. (H) Art collections in the United States are mentionedin the last paragraph. Cassatt introduced impressionistart from Europe to her wealthy American friends,thus influencing many of them to buy it. Option H bestsummarizes this idea. None of the other options explainhow Cassatt influenced art collections in the UnitedStates.Great Zimbabwe39. (D) You are asked to identify the general topic of thepassage. Options B and E refer to only parts of the passage.Option C is not mentioned at all. Option A is toobroad; most of the passage is about Great Zimbabwe, notthe nation of Zimbabwe. Option D, “the true story of theGreat Zimbabwe ruins,” is best.40. (G) The basis for the correct answer is found in severalplaces in the passage. First, find the section thatmentions Richard Hall’s opinion. Lines 52-54 state thatHall was “convinced that the structures had been builtby ancient people from the Middle East.” Later, Hall’sopinion was discredited by archaeologists who demonstratedthat Great Zimbabwe was African in origin (lines64-65). In other words, Hall’s opinion was inaccurate.All five options must be evaluated to find the option withwhich the passage’s author would most likely agree.Option F is not correct: Hall’s first impression was inaccurate.The author would not agree with Option H: thepresent culture of the Shona people is not illustrativeof their past. The author does not take any stand onwhether advanced cultures developed first in the MiddleEast, ruling out Option J, nor does the author claim thatMiddle Eastern culture was derived from Shona culture(Option K). The best answer is Option G. A preconceptionis an opinion formed in advance of actual knowledge,which perfectly describes Hall’s belief. Hall’s preconceptionhad clouded his judgment.41. (E) Read the entire last paragraph, which impliesthat discussion of “one mystery of Great Zimbabwe” hasjust been concluded, and the author is making a transitionto another mystery. The previous paragraph showedthat Great Zimbabwe was built by ancestors of the Shonapeople, not by people from the Middle East. Thus, themystery that had been solved was who had built GreatZimbabwe and when (Option E). Option A is incorrectbecause the mystery comprised much more than theforeign wares discovered in the ruins. Option B, “whythe settlement was abandoned,” has not been solved. Thesource of gold and ivory (Option C) and the reason thatEuropeans did not discover Great Zimbabwe until the1870s (Option D) are not presented as mysteries.42. (H) The Shona people are discussed in the fifthparagraph. Since the question is open-ended, we mustevaluate each option to find the best answer. The Shonapeople still exist as a distinct group (line 68), ruling outOption F. Shona kings traded their goods in coastaltowns (lines 72-74), implying that they lived in theAfrican interior, not the coast, eliminating Option G.Lines 65-68 state that Great Zimbabwe was most likelybuilt by ancestors of the present-day Shona people, whichsupports Option H. Options J and K confuse the historiesof the Shona people and ancient Middle Easternpeople. Option H is the best answer.43. (E) This statement implies that the field of archaeologywas new and immature in the 1870s. The statementis followed by descriptions of how early explorers, includingRichard Hall, discarded valuable archaeologicalmaterial. Thus, the “infancy” of archaeology is illustratedby Option E, “the excavations conducted by RichardHall.” Options A and B are events in Shona history, notthe history of archaeology, and Options C and D are referencesto more advanced stages of archaeology, not toits infancy.44. (F) Each option should be evaluated in turn. OptionF is correct; the Portuguese searched for Great Zimbabwebut never found it (lines 26-27). It is a good idea to readthe remaining options to be sure that none of them isbetter than Option F. Options G, H, and K are incorrectbecause the Portuguese never found Great Zimbabwe orKing Solomon’s mines. The destruction of archaeologicalevidence was committed by subsequent explorers, not thePortuguese, which rules out Option J. Option F is thebest answer.Wind Energy45. (B) Option A is mentioned only in the first paragraph,and it is not the main theme. Option B best summarizesthe passage: it describes how wind energy hasbeen used, from ancient sailboats to medieval windmillsto modern turbines. Option C is a detail. Options D andE are important points, but neither is the main theme.46. (F) The first known windmills originated in Persia(lines 15-17), which is Option F.62

Sample Test – verbalExplanations of Correct Answers AForm47. (D) The future use of wind energy is discussed in thelast paragraph. Options A, C, and E are never mentioned.Option D best conveys the author’s optimism that windfarms—“efficient, clean, and fairly inexpensive to operate”(lines 70-71)—will be a major source of electricity in thefuture. Option B is contradicted by the passage.48. (K) You are asked which option best illustrates thedevelopment of wind energy. In the passage, the authorfollowed the history of wind energy from old-fashionedwater-pumping windmills (lines 17-19) to thin-bladedwindmills (lines 55-58) to the development of wind farms(lines 67-70). Options F, G, and J are contradicted by thepassage. Option H is only one example in the history ofwind energy. Option K implies that the development fromsimpler into more complex machines illustrates humancreativity, and it is the best answer.49. (D) The need for windmills on farms before the1950s is discussed in lines 53-58. The next two sentencesexplain that the need decreased in the 1950s becausemost homes were connected to an electric utility andno longer depended on windmills for electrical power(Option D). Options A and C are contradicted by the passage.Option B incorrectly combines information in thepassage, and Option E overlooks the fact that wind turbinesare windmills, and thus did not replace windmills.50. (G) The country of Holland (lines 32-36) used windmillsto pump seawater away from bogs and reclaimlarge areas of land (Option G). Dutch shipbuilding is notmentioned, ruling out Option F. Although Holland wasfamous for its windmills, their fame did not aid the country'sdevelopments, eliminating Option H. Options J andK are contradicted by the passage.63

Sample Test – verbalExplanations of Correct Answers AForm47. (D) The future use of wind energy is discussed in thelast paragraph. Options A, C, and E are never mentioned.Option D best conveys the author’s optimism that windfarms—“efficient, clean, and fairly inexpensive to operate”(lines 70-71)—will be a major source of electricity in thefuture. Option B is contradicted by the passage.48. (K) You are asked which option best illustrates thedevelopment of wind energy. In the passage, the authorfollowed the history of wind energy from old-fashionedwater-pumping windmills (lines 17-19) to thin-bladedwindmills (lines 55-58) to the development of wind farms(lines 67-70). Options F, G, and J are contradicted by thepassage. Option H is only one example in the history ofwind energy. Option K implies that the development fromsimpler into more complex machines illustrates humancreativity, and it is the best answer.49. (D) The need for windmills on farms before the1950s is discussed in lines 53-58. The next two sentencesexplain that the need decreased in the 1950s becausemost homes were connected to an electric utility andno longer depended on windmills for electrical power(Option D). Options A and C are contradicted by the passage.Option B incorrectly combines information in thepassage, and Option E overlooks the fact that wind turbinesare windmills, and thus did not replace windmills.50. (G) The country of Holland (lines 32-36) used windmillsto pump seawater away from bogs and reclaimlarge areas of land (Option G). Dutch shipbuilding is notmentioned, ruling out Option F. Although Holland wasfamous for its windmills, their fame did not aid the country'sdevelopments, eliminating Option H. Options J andK are contradicted by the passage.63

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