
2016SHSAT_English 2016SHSAT_English


Brooklyn Technical High School29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, New York 11217Phone: (718) 804-6400 Website: www.bths.eduEmail: info@bths.eduOverview: Brooklyn Technical High School (Brooklyn Tech)is the nation’s largest public high school. Housed in a state-ofthe-artphysical plant reborn for the 21st century, the school is anational model for excellence and a stimulating environment thatfosters transformational education and personal growth. Withmodern technology at its core and labs and classrooms on parwith university and industry standards, Brooklyn Tech serves asa vibrant intellectual arena for faculty and students to exploreand embrace the ideas, technology and instructional methodsthat will shape the future.Academic program: In the 9th and 10th grades, all studentstake an academic core which includes college credit-bearingcourses in Design & Fabrication and Digital Electronics. In the11th and 12th grades, Brooklyn Tech students choose one ofthe following major areas of concentration: Aerospace,Architecture, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Civil Engineering,College Prep, Electro-Mechanical Engineering, EnvironmentalScience Research, Gateway to Medicine, Industrial Design, Law& Society, Applied Mathematics, Media & Graphic Arts, Physics,Social Science Research, or Software Engineering. In addition,the school offers unique electives in performance-based music,competitive mathematics, and research opportunities.Extracurricular activities: Brooklyn Tech’s unparalleled learningenvironment is enriched with 42 PSAL teams and more than 100activities and clubs. Partners in industry and higher education, aswell as an active alumni community help sustain the level ofexcellence through classroom enrichment, mentoring,internships and more.2015 Admissions: 23,100 students listed Brooklyn Tech as achoice on the SHSAT, and 1,960 offers were made.High School for Mathematics,Science and Engineering atthe City College of New York240 Convent Avenue, New York, New York 10031Phone: (212) 281-6490 Website: www.hsmse.orgEmail: info@hsmse.orgOverview: Founded in September 2002, The High School forMathematics, Science and Engineering (HSMSE) at The CityCollege of New York (CCNY) provides a unique and unparalleledcollaborative educational experience. The school’s mission is toencourage students to develop the habits of inquiry, written andverbal expression, and critical thinking. HSMSE enrollsapproximately 450 students, drawn from all five boroughs,making it one of the most ethnically diverse schools in New YorkCity. The academically rigorous learning environment focuses onmathematics, science, and engineering, while emphasizing civicresponsibility and the value of acquiring knowledge for its ownintrinsic reward. HSMSE faculty work together regularly to planlessons, develop curricula, and share best practices. Their deepprofessional and personal experiences enrich the learningcommunity; many faculty members have earned doctorates,and all have advanced degrees. Many have distinguishedthemselves in business, engineering, and other fields prior tobecoming teachers.Academic program: HSMSE faculty plan lessons that includestudent discussion and cooperative learning to develop andimprove problem-solving skills. All students take four years ofmath and science courses. Core classes meet every other dayfor 90 minutes, allowing time to engage in hands-on activitiesand in-depth discussions. Students attend a 45-minute electiveenrichment course daily; course options include: Gastronomy,Astronomy, Microsoft Office User Certification, Art, PoetryWriting, Jazz Band, and Classical Guitar. There are three majorconcentrations that students select from in the spring of theirsophomore year: Mathematics, Mount Sinai Medical BiomedicalResearch Program, or Engineering. HSMSE has the largestGerman Language program in New York State. College creditcourses are offered in multiple ways: Advanced Placementcourses are offered to all. CUNY courses are offered to eligiblestudents through the CCNY partnership and the City Universityof New York (CUNY) College Now program.Extracurricular activities: CCNY’s Baskerville Hall faces thecollege quad, giving students green space in which to eat lunch,socialize, and relax on sunny days. Students may participate in awide variety of extracurricular activities and PSAL sports afterschool, including Junior Statesmen of America, Moot Court,Mock Trial, Model UN and the Key club. Additionally, HSMSEoffers ping-pong, volleyball, dance, cheerleading, and StrategyGames clubs. HSMSE students compete in nationalcompetitions, sponsored by the Goethe Institute and AmericanAssociation of Teachers of German, for study abroadopportunities to Germany. Every year, at least one HSMSEstudent competes successfully enough to earn two weeks freetravel to Germany. During the school year, HSMSE sponsors tripsto colleges such as Boston College, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, Princeton, Brown and University of Michigan.2015 Admissions: 19,035 students listed HSMSE at CCNY as achoice on the SHSAT, and 180 offers were made.High School of American Studiesat Lehman College2925 Goulden Avenue, Bronx, New York 10468Phone: (718) 329-2144 Website: www.hsas-lehman.orgEmail: atrebofiore@schools.nyc.govOverview: The High School of American Studies at LehmanCollege (HSAS) emphasizes the study of American History andoffers students a well-rounded academic program that aims toprepare students for admission to highly competitive collegesand for a range of careers in politics, law, journalism, business,science, mathematics and the arts. In all endeavors, HSASseeks to encourage in students a love for learning and aninquisitive spirit.6

Academic program: The academic program focuses on thedevelopment of college-level methodologies; throughout theirtime in high school, students are supported by faculty in theprocess of pursuing individualized research projects. Allstudents engage in a three-year chronological study of Americanhistory, so that history comes alive through the use of primarysource documents, films, biographies, literature, and creativeteaching techniques. With the support of the Gilder-LehrmanInstitute, students gain first-hand knowledge of the key eventsin American History, taking trips to sites and cities of historicimportance and participating in seminars with guest speakers.HSAS also offers honors-level and Advanced Placementcourses in mathematics, science, constitutional and criminallaw, literature, foreign languages, history, and the arts. Througha partnership with Lehman College, students have access to theCollege’s campus library and athletic facilities and may takecredit-bearing college classes and seminars in their junior andsenior years.Extracurricular activities: After school, students mayparticipate in a wide variety of clubs, join one of the school'smany athletic teams, and take part in competitive activities, suchas moot court, mock trial, debate, and Model UN.2015 Admissions: 16,771 students listed HSAS at LehmanCollege as a choice on the SHSAT, and 161 offers were made.Queens High School for theSciences at York College94-50 159th Street, Jamaica, New York 11433Phone: (718) 657-3181 Website: www.qhss.orgEmail: lgibson4@qhss.orgOverview: Queens High School for the Sciences at York Collegeis dedicated to providing a rigorous curriculum in collaborationwith York College that emphasizes the sciences andmathematics. The school philosophy is students are moresuccessful when nurtured in a small learning community. Theschool mission is to develop a community of diligent learnersand independent thinkers who are inspired to attain academicexcellence and prepare them for the competitive environmentand challenges of higher education.Academic program: In line with offering small sized classes forstandard high school courses (such as English, Social Studies,Science, and Mathematics), the school offers a wide range ofelective courses in all academic subjects, as well as art, musicand language. Advanced Placement courses, including Biology,Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, Chinese, EnglishLanguage and Composition, Environmental Science, Physics 1,Spanish, U .S. History, and World History, are available to thosewho qualify. Students also have the opportunity to enroll in CityUniversity of New York (CUNY) College Now courses, such asBiology, Sociology, Health Services, Nutrition and Health, Pre-Calculus, and Psychology. Course offerings vary from year toyear. Besides offering nurturing, small classes, students arefurther supported with tutoring by teachers and honorsstudents. Guidance counselors support and assist students inall areas of concern, especially the selection of and applicationto colleges.Extracurricular activities: Since the school is located on thecampus of York College, students enjoy state-of-the-art facilitiessuch as the College’s library, gymnasium, pool, theater, andcafeteria/food court throughout their high school career. Avariety of clubs (determined by student suggestion and staffcapacity) are available to all students, including Model UN,Amnesty International, chess, Sigma sorority, philosophy,basketball, Key club and many others. Boys and GirlsSwimming, Girls Bowling, and Coed Tennis and Handballcomprise the school’s athletic teams.2015 Admissions: 16,648 students listed Queens High Schoolfor the Sciences at York College as a choice on the SHSAT, and155 offers were made.STATEN ISLAND TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL485 Clawson Street, Staten Island, New York 10306Phone: (718) 667-3222 Website: www.siths.orgEmail: BMalenfant@schools.nyc.govOverview: Staten Island Technical High School’s collegepreparatory curriculum provides a robust liberal arts curriculumthat includes courses in Science, Technology, Engineering, Artsand Mathematics (STEAM), and a cutting edge Career andTechnical Education (CTE) program. All 9th grade studentsreceive an iPad to use in school and take home for four yearsvia a 1:1 Digital Education Initiative. Over 60% of the facultymembers teach Advanced Placement (AP) and other collegelevel courses.Academic program: Students advance beyond the corecurriculum by taking four years of mathematics and a widearray of science and AP courses. Students also have the optionof participating in the Science & Engineering Researchprogram, in which they compete in the New York City Scienceand Engineering Fair, Intel Science Talent Search, Google andQuality of Life competitions. All freshmen take an IntensiveWriting course and English and Language Arts College BoardCommon Core-aligned Springboard curriculum, which preparesthem for AP Language and AP Literature and Compositioncurricula. All students graduate with at least two AP SocialStudies courses and take three years of Russian languagecourses. There is an optional fourth-year of a second languageoffered via a blended learning program.The CTE program features pre-engineering, autoCAD, digitalanalogelectronics, and computer science courses and anextensive Work Based Learning- College and Career Explorationsequence featuring career talks, job shadowing, career andcollege fairs, and internships. All students participate in the CTEprogram.7

Brooklyn Technical High School29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, New York 11217Phone: (718) 804-6400 Website: www.bths.eduEmail: info@bths.eduOverview: Brooklyn Technical High School (Brooklyn Tech)is the nation’s largest public high school. Housed in a state-ofthe-artphysical plant reborn for the 21st century, the school is anational model for excellence and a stimulating environment thatfosters transformational education and personal growth. Withmodern technology at its core and labs and classrooms on parwith university and industry standards, Brooklyn Tech serves asa vibrant intellectual arena for faculty and students to exploreand embrace the ideas, technology and instructional methodsthat will shape the future.Academic program: In the 9th and 10th grades, all studentstake an academic core which includes college credit-bearingcourses in Design & Fabrication and Digital Electronics. In the11th and 12th grades, Brooklyn Tech students choose one ofthe following major areas of concentration: Aerospace,Architecture, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Civil Engineering,College Prep, Electro-Mechanical Engineering, EnvironmentalScience Research, Gateway to Medicine, Industrial Design, Law& Society, Applied Mathematics, Media & Graphic Arts, Physics,Social Science Research, or Software Engineering. In addition,the school offers unique electives in performance-based music,competitive mathematics, and research opportunities.Extracurricular activities: Brooklyn Tech’s unparalleled learningenvironment is enriched with 42 PSAL teams and more than 100activities and clubs. Partners in industry and higher education, aswell as an active alumni community help sustain the level ofexcellence through classroom enrichment, mentoring,internships and more.2015 Admissions: 23,100 students listed Brooklyn Tech as achoice on the SHSAT, and 1,960 offers were made.High School for Mathematics,Science and Engineering atthe City College of New York240 Convent Avenue, New York, New York 10031Phone: (212) 281-6490 Website: www.hsmse.orgEmail: info@hsmse.orgOverview: Founded in September 2002, The High School forMathematics, Science and Engineering (HSMSE) at The CityCollege of New York (CCNY) provides a unique and unparalleledcollaborative educational experience. The school’s mission is toencourage students to develop the habits of inquiry, written andverbal expression, and critical thinking. HSMSE enrollsapproximately 450 students, drawn from all five boroughs,making it one of the most ethnically diverse schools in New YorkCity. The academically rigorous learning environment focuses onmathematics, science, and engineering, while emphasizing civicresponsibility and the value of acquiring knowledge for its ownintrinsic reward. HSMSE faculty work together regularly to planlessons, develop curricula, and share best practices. Their deepprofessional and personal experiences enrich the learningcommunity; many faculty members have earned doctorates,and all have advanced degrees. Many have distinguishedthemselves in business, engineering, and other fields prior tobecoming teachers.Academic program: HSMSE faculty plan lessons that includestudent discussion and cooperative learning to develop andimprove problem-solving skills. All students take four years ofmath and science courses. Core classes meet every other dayfor 90 minutes, allowing time to engage in hands-on activitiesand in-depth discussions. Students attend a 45-minute electiveenrichment course daily; course options include: Gastronomy,Astronomy, Microsoft Office User Certification, Art, PoetryWriting, Jazz Band, and Classical Guitar. There are three majorconcentrations that students select from in the spring of theirsophomore year: Mathematics, Mount Sinai Medical BiomedicalResearch Program, or Engineering. HSMSE has the largestGerman Language program in New York State. College creditcourses are offered in multiple ways: Advanced Placementcourses are offered to all. CUNY courses are offered to eligiblestudents through the CCNY partnership and the City Universityof New York (CUNY) College Now program.Extracurricular activities: CCNY’s Baskerville Hall faces thecollege quad, giving students green space in which to eat lunch,socialize, and relax on sunny days. Students may participate in awide variety of extracurricular activities and PSAL sports afterschool, including Junior Statesmen of America, Moot Court,Mock Trial, Model UN and the Key club. Additionally, HSMSEoffers ping-pong, volleyball, dance, cheerleading, and StrategyGames clubs. HSMSE students compete in nationalcompetitions, sponsored by the Goethe Institute and AmericanAssociation of Teachers of German, for study abroadopportunities to Germany. Every year, at least one HSMSEstudent competes successfully enough to earn two weeks freetravel to Germany. During the school year, HSMSE sponsors tripsto colleges such as Boston College, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, Princeton, Brown and University of Michigan.2015 Admissions: 19,035 students listed HSMSE at CCNY as achoice on the SHSAT, and 180 offers were made.High School of American Studiesat Lehman College2925 Goulden Avenue, Bronx, New York 10468Phone: (718) 329-2144 Website: www.hsas-lehman.orgEmail: atrebofiore@schools.nyc.govOverview: The High School of American Studies at LehmanCollege (HSAS) emphasizes the study of American History andoffers students a well-rounded academic program that aims toprepare students for admission to highly competitive collegesand for a range of careers in politics, law, journalism, business,science, mathematics and the arts. In all endeavors, HSASseeks to encourage in students a love for learning and aninquisitive spirit.6

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