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M07-17682.relATionSHiP BeTween row A AnD row Brow A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11row B 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6The table above shows two rows of integers,Row A and Row B, and the relationshipbetween them. Assume each row continues inthe pattern shown. When the number 111appears in Row A, what is the correspondingnumber that will appear in Row B?F. 55G. 56H. 57J. 59K. 6686. A box contains 11 marbles—7 red and4 green. Five of these marbles are removedat random. If the probability of drawing agreen marble is now 0.5, how many redmarbles were removed from the box?F. 1G. 2H. 3J. 4K. 587. Ryan must read 150 pages for school tomorrow.It took him 30 minutes to read the first 20 ofthe assigned pages. At this rate, how muchadditional time will it take him to finishthe reading?83. A certain insect has a mass of 75 milligrams.What is the insect’s mass in grams?84.A. 0.075 gB. 0.75 gC. 7.5 gD. 75 gE. 7,500 gA– 8 – 6 – 4 – 2M05-098BBc0 2 4 6 8On the number line above, A is located at – 8,B is located at 3, and C is located at 7. D (notshown) is the midpoint of AwBw, and E (notshown) is the midpoint of BwCw. What is themidpoint of DwEw?F. – 1.5G. 1.25H. 1.75J. 2.25K. 7.5.85. A video game originally priced at $44.50 wason sale for 10% off. Julian received a 20%employee discount applied to the sale price.How much did Julian pay for the video game?(Assume that there is no tax.)A. $31.15B. $32.04C. $35.60D. $40.05E. $43.61A. 1​2__3 ​ hrB. 2​1__6 ​ hrC. 3​1__4 ​ hrD. 3​3__4 ​ hrE. 7​1__2 ​ hr88. In how many different ways can you makeexactly $0.75 using only nickels, dimes, andquarters, if you must have at least one of eachcoin?F. 2G. 4H. 6J. 7K. 1289. A cylindrical oil drum can hold 4,320 literswhen it is completely full. Currently, thedrum is ​1__ ​full of oil. How many kiloliters (kL)3of oil need to be added to fill the drumcompletely?A. 1.44 kLB. 2.88 kLC. 4.32 kLD. 14.40 kLE. 28.80 kLFORM A 55CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1

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