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72.MJ75KL120120NIn the figure above, JwKwLw, MwKwNw, NwPwQw, andLwPwRw are straight line segments. What isthe value of x?F. 25G. 45H. 50J. 60K. 7573. A roofing contractor uses shingles at a rateof 3 bundles for each 96 square feet of roofcovered. At this rate, how many bundles willhe need to cover a roof that is 416 square feet?74.A. 5B. 12C. 13D. 14E. 15xPyxQR75. Three gallons of gasoline are needed to drive65 miles. At this rate, how many gallons areneeded to drive m miles?A. ​ ___ 365 ​ gal.B. ​ ____ 3m65 ​ gal.C. 3m gal.D. ​ ___ 653 ​ gal.E. ​ _____ 65m3 ​ gal.76. 8:54 a.m.9:12 a.m.9:24 a.m.10:24 a.m.11:18 a.m.Light A flashes every 12 minutes, and light Bflashes every 18 minutes. The two lights flashat the same time at 8:00 a.m. At how many ofthe times listed above will they again bothflash at the same time?F. 1G. 2H. 3J. 4K. 5wzCONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1Figure WXYZ above is composed of 6 congruentrectangular panels. The area of figure WXYZis 54 square centimeters. What is theperimeter of figure WXYZ in centimeters?F. 24 cmG. 30 cmH. 36 cmJ. 45 cmK. 50 cmFORM A53

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