
2016SHSAT_English 2016SHSAT_English


Part 2 — MathematicsSuggested Time — 75 Minutes50 QUESTIONSGeneral InstructionsSolve each problem. Select the best answer from the choices given. Mark the letter of your answer on theanswer sheet. You can do your figuring in the test booklet or on paper provided by the proctor. DO NOTMAKE ANY MARKS ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET OTHER THAN FILLING IN YOUR ANSWERCHOICES.Important Notes:(1) Formulas and definitions of mathematical terms and symbols are not provided.(2) Diagrams other than graphs are not necessarily drawn to scale. Do not assume any relationshipin a diagram unless it is specifically stated or can be figured out from the information given.(3) Assume that a diagram is in one plane unless the problem specifically states that it is not.(4) Graphs are drawn to scale. Unless stated otherwise, you can assume relationships according toappearance. For example, (on a graph) lines that appear to be parallel can be assumed to beparallel; likewise for concurrent lines, straight lines, collinear points, right angles, etc.(5) Reduce all fractions to lowest terms.51. 100(2 0.1) 2 100 A. 101B. 141C. 200D. 301E. 34154. 3.99 4 1.5 5F. 0.266G. 0.267H. 2.0J. 2.66K. 2.67 M89-468C52. If __ 4 5 ​of P is 48, what is __ 3 ​of P?5F. 12G. 15H. 20J. 36K. 6053. If ​ __ a​5 2 and a 5 8, what is the valuebof 3b 1 a 2 ?A. 28B. 70C. 76D. 88E. 112 55.P Q r• • •– 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 0 2 4 6 8How many units is it from the midpoint ofPQ to the midpoint of QR?A. 12B. 14C. 16D. 18E. 10CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1FORM A50

M89-0658D56. Jack scored a mean of 15 points per game inhis first 3 basketball games. In his 4th game,he scored 27 points. What was Jack’s meanscore for the 4 games?F. 15G. 16H. 17J. 18K. 2157. If 0.00102 ​____102 ​, what is the value of N?NA. 10,000B. 100,000C. 1,000,000D. 100,000,000E. 1,000,000,00058. Judy is n years older than Carmen and twiceas old as Frances. If Frances is 15, how old isCarmen?F. 30G. 15 nH. 15 2nJ. 15 nK. 30 n59. 1 sind 5.6 ricks1 sind 12.88 daltsUsing the conversions above, how many daltsare equivalent to 1 rick?A. 0.43 daltsB. 2.3 daltsC. 7.28 daltsD. 18.48 daltsE. 72.128 dalts60.61.How PeoPle geT ToworK in cenTer ciTyBicycle 4%car Pool15%walk 22%Drive Alone 49%Bus10%Total number of peopleworking in center city = 15,000How many more people in Center City walkto work than ride their bicycles to work?F. 18G. 22H. 2,700J. 2,800K. 3,000M99-132AR(a, b)5 • S• •Oy(c, d)TV•• WThe figure above is drawn to scale. Whichpoint best shows the location of (c 1 a, d 1 b)?A. RB. SC. TD. VE. W5x62. On a scale drawing, a distance of 1 foot isrepresented by a segment 0.25 inch in length.How long must a segment on the scaledrawing be to represent a 36-inch distance?F. 220.25 in.G. 220.75 in.H. 223 in.J. 229 in.K. 144 in.FORM A 51CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1

M89-0658D56. Jack scored a mean of 15 points per game inhis first 3 basketball games. In his 4th game,he scored 27 points. What was Jack’s meanscore for the 4 games?F. 15G. 16H. 17J. 18K. 2157. If 0.00102 ​____102 ​, what is the value of N?NA. 10,000B. 100,000C. 1,000,000D. 100,000,000E. 1,000,000,00058. Judy is n years older than Carmen and twiceas old as Frances. If Frances is 15, how old isCarmen?F. 30G. 15 nH. 15 2nJ. 15 nK. 30 n59. 1 sind 5.6 ricks1 sind 12.88 daltsUsing the conversions above, how many daltsare equivalent to 1 rick?A. 0.43 daltsB. 2.3 daltsC. 7.28 daltsD. 18.48 daltsE. 72.128 dalts60.61.How PeoPle geT ToworK in cenTer ciTyBicycle 4%car Pool15%walk 22%Drive Alone 49%Bus10%Total number of peopleworking in center city = 15,000How many more people in Center City walkto work than ride their bicycles to work?F. 18G. 22H. 2,700J. 2,800K. 3,000M99-132AR(a, b)5 • S• •Oy(c, d)TV•• WThe figure above is drawn to scale. Whichpoint best shows the location of (c 1 a, d 1 b)?A. RB. SC. TD. VE. W5x62. On a scale drawing, a distance of 1 foot isrepresented by a segment 0.25 inch in length.How long must a segment on the scaledrawing be to represent a 36-inch distance?F. 220.25 in.G. 220.75 in.H. 223 in.J. 229 in.K. 144 in.FORM A 51CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 1

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