
2016SHSAT_English 2016SHSAT_English


SHSAT Description and MaterialsDiscovery ProgramAs stated in New York State law, the Specialized High Schools may sponsor a Discovery Program to givedisadvantaged students of demonstrated high potential an opportunity to participate in the Specialized HighSchool program. Students will be notified which schools will be sponsoring a Discovery Program and if they areeligible to apply no earlier than May 2016.To be eligible, the student must:1. have scored below and close to the lowest qualifying score on the SHSAT. Eligible scores will vary from year to yearand will be based on seat availability; and2. have ranked one of the Specialized High Schools that plans to host a 2016 Discovery Program as among the choices onhis/her 2015 SHSAT answer sheet; and3. be certified as disadvantaged by his/her middle school according to the following criteria:a. attend a Title 1 school and be from a family whose total income is documented as meeting federal income eligibilityguidelines established for school food services by the NYS Department of Agriculture, effective July 1, 2015; orb. be receiving assistance from the Human Resources Administration; orc. be a member of a family whose income is documented as being equivalent to or below Department of SocialServices standards; ord. be a foster child or ward of the state; ore. initially have entered the United States within the last four years and live in a home in which the language customarilyspoken is not English; and4. be recommended by his/her local school as having high potential for the Specialized High School program.Once notified of eligibility, families should meet with the school counselor to discuss the Discovery Program application.Documentation supporting student eligibility must be attached to the recommendation form submitted on behalf of thestudent by the middle school. Not all students recommended can be accepted into the Discovery Program. Those studentswho are successful in meeting the demands of the summer program will be granted an offer to the school sponsoring theDiscovery Program. Those students who are not successful will attend the school to which they had previously beenassigned. Students should speak to their guidance counselors if they have any questions.20

66sectionSHSAT Useful Tips for TestingParents/guardians are encouragedto review the following tips with theirchildren so that they are well preparedfor the test.Before Test DayThe best way to improve your verbal skills is to read manybooks and articles on different topics. Reading widely willhelp you expand your vocabulary and improve yourcomprehension. While reading, ask yourself: What is the mainpoint? What can be deduced? Why does the author use certainwords? Is this article well written?Knowing what to expect on the test and having somepractice in test taking is beneficial. This handbook describeseach part of the test and contains two sample tests to use aspractice. Each sample test contains questions from previoustests and has been updated to match the 2015 tests as closelyas possible. A list of correct answers is provided for each test,along with explanations.Simulating the actual testing situation helps. You will havetwo and a half hours (150 minutes) to complete the test. Duringyour practice test, how you allot the time between the verbaland mathematics sections is up to you. You may start with eithersection. Use the practice test to decide how much time you willspend on each section to keep yourself on pace and manageyour time on test day. For example, will you spend 75 minuteson each section, or will you spend more time on one sectionthan another? Will you leave certain questions for the end? Youmay return to one section if you have time remaining afterfinishing the other section. Mark your answers on the answersheet provided in this handbook. Remember, on the actual test,you will not be given extra time to mark your answers on theanswer sheet after time is up.After you complete the practice test, check your answersagainst the list of correct answers. Read the explanations ofthe correct answers to see the kinds of mistakes you may havemade. Did you read too quickly and misunderstand thequestion? Did you make careless errors in computation? Didyou choose answers that were partially correct, but were not thebest answers? Were many of your wrong answers guesses? Youalso should check to see whether there is a pattern to yourerrors. For example, did you get all of the inequality questionswrong? Did you leave any answers blank? Seek outopportunities to do more practice in areas that challenged you.Put this handbook away for a few days, and then take thesecond sample test, following the same procedure. Be awarethat how well you do on these sample tests is not a predictor ofyour score on the actual test. However, these tests will give youan idea of what to expect when taking the SHSAT.day of the testPrepare yourself. The night before the test, remember to get agood night’s sleep. Bring your signed Test Ticket with you to yourassigned test site and make sure it includes a parent/guardiansignature and your ranked choices of Specialized High Schools.Arrive at your assigned test site on time. Wear comfortable clothesand bring a non-calculator watch to keep track of the time. Makesure that you have several sharpened Number 2 pencils and aneraser that erases cleanly. Do not bring personal electronic devicessuch as an iPod, calculator, tablet/iPad or ebook reader to the test.You may bring a cell phone but it will be turned off and collectedby your proctor for the duration of the test.Plan your time. Be aware of the total number of questions and theamount of time you have to complete the test. Work carefully, butkeep moving at a comfortable pace and keep track of the time.Listen carefully to your test proctor and all instructions regardingtime. Be sure to place all answers on the answer sheet. You will notbe given additional time to transfer your answers from the testbooklet or any scrap paper to the answer sheet after time is up.Read the instructions carefully. Be sure you understand the taskbefore marking your answer sheet. For each question, read all thechoices before choosing one. Many questions ask for the bestanswer; it is important to compare all the choices to determine thechoice that best answers the question.Mark your answers carefully. This is a machine-scored test, andyou can lose credit by marking the wrong answer bubble ormarking the answers to two questions on the same line. Make surethe number on the answer sheet matches the number of thequestion in your test booklet. To change an answer, erase theoriginal mark completely. If two bubbles are filled in for a question,that question will be scored as incorrect. Avoid making stray pencilmarks on your answer sheet. You may write in your test booklet tosolve verbal or mathematics problems, but remember that onlyanswers recorded on the answer sheet will be counted.There is no penalty for a wrong answer. Your score is based onthe number of correct answers marked on the answer sheet.Therefore, omitting a question will not give you an advantage, andwrong answers will not be deducted from your right answers. Fill inany blanks when the time limit is almost up.Make an educated guess when you do not know the answer to aquestion. Do this by eliminating the answer choice(s) that aredefinitely wrong, and then choose one of the remaining answers.Be considerate of other students during the test. Do not chewgum or make noises or movements that would be distracting toothers.If you finish before time is up, go back over your work to makesure that you followed instructions, did not skip any questions, anddid not make careless mistakes. Students must remain in thetesting room for the entire duration of the test (150 minutes).21

66sectionSHSAT Useful Tips for TestingParents/guardians are encouragedto review the following tips with theirchildren so that they are well preparedfor the test.Before Test DayThe best way to improve your verbal skills is to read manybooks and articles on different topics. Reading widely willhelp you expand your vocabulary and improve yourcomprehension. While reading, ask yourself: What is the mainpoint? What can be deduced? Why does the author use certainwords? Is this article well written?Knowing what to expect on the test and having somepractice in test taking is beneficial. This handbook describeseach part of the test and contains two sample tests to use aspractice. Each sample test contains questions from previoustests and has been updated to match the 2015 tests as closelyas possible. A list of correct answers is provided for each test,along with explanations.Simulating the actual testing situation helps. You will havetwo and a half hours (150 minutes) to complete the test. Duringyour practice test, how you allot the time between the verbaland mathematics sections is up to you. You may start with eithersection. Use the practice test to decide how much time you willspend on each section to keep yourself on pace and manageyour time on test day. For example, will you spend 75 minuteson each section, or will you spend more time on one sectionthan another? Will you leave certain questions for the end? Youmay return to one section if you have time remaining afterfinishing the other section. Mark your answers on the answersheet provided in this handbook. Remember, on the actual test,you will not be given extra time to mark your answers on theanswer sheet after time is up.After you complete the practice test, check your answersagainst the list of correct answers. Read the explanations ofthe correct answers to see the kinds of mistakes you may havemade. Did you read too quickly and misunderstand thequestion? Did you make careless errors in computation? Didyou choose answers that were partially correct, but were not thebest answers? Were many of your wrong answers guesses? Youalso should check to see whether there is a pattern to yourerrors. For example, did you get all of the inequality questionswrong? Did you leave any answers blank? Seek outopportunities to do more practice in areas that challenged you.Put this handbook away for a few days, and then take thesecond sample test, following the same procedure. Be awarethat how well you do on these sample tests is not a predictor ofyour score on the actual test. However, these tests will give youan idea of what to expect when taking the SHSAT.day of the testPrepare yourself. The night before the test, remember to get agood night’s sleep. Bring your signed Test Ticket with you to yourassigned test site and make sure it includes a parent/guardiansignature and your ranked choices of Specialized High Schools.Arrive at your assigned test site on time. Wear comfortable clothesand bring a non-calculator watch to keep track of the time. Makesure that you have several sharpened Number 2 pencils and aneraser that erases cleanly. Do not bring personal electronic devicessuch as an iPod, calculator, tablet/iPad or ebook reader to the test.You may bring a cell phone but it will be turned off and collectedby your proctor for the duration of the test.Plan your time. Be aware of the total number of questions and theamount of time you have to complete the test. Work carefully, butkeep moving at a comfortable pace and keep track of the time.Listen carefully to your test proctor and all instructions regardingtime. Be sure to place all answers on the answer sheet. You will notbe given additional time to transfer your answers from the testbooklet or any scrap paper to the answer sheet after time is up.Read the instructions carefully. Be sure you understand the taskbefore marking your answer sheet. For each question, read all thechoices before choosing one. Many questions ask for the bestanswer; it is important to compare all the choices to determine thechoice that best answers the question.Mark your answers carefully. This is a machine-scored test, andyou can lose credit by marking the wrong answer bubble ormarking the answers to two questions on the same line. Make surethe number on the answer sheet matches the number of thequestion in your test booklet. To change an answer, erase theoriginal mark completely. If two bubbles are filled in for a question,that question will be scored as incorrect. Avoid making stray pencilmarks on your answer sheet. You may write in your test booklet tosolve verbal or mathematics problems, but remember that onlyanswers recorded on the answer sheet will be counted.There is no penalty for a wrong answer. Your score is based onthe number of correct answers marked on the answer sheet.Therefore, omitting a question will not give you an advantage, andwrong answers will not be deducted from your right answers. Fill inany blanks when the time limit is almost up.Make an educated guess when you do not know the answer to aquestion. Do this by eliminating the answer choice(s) that aredefinitely wrong, and then choose one of the remaining answers.Be considerate of other students during the test. Do not chewgum or make noises or movements that would be distracting toothers.If you finish before time is up, go back over your work to makesure that you followed instructions, did not skip any questions, anddid not make careless mistakes. Students must remain in thetesting room for the entire duration of the test (150 minutes).21

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