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SHSAT Description and MaterialsStudent MisconductIt is important to note that test security is CRITICAL for theSHSAT. During the test, you may not communicate with otherstudents in any way. This includes, but is not limited to:speaking, writing and passing notes, sharing test booklets oranswer sheets, looking at other students’ answers, and/orpossession of a personal electronic device. Students found tobe engaging in any of these activities will have their testsinvalidated and will not be allowed to take the test again untilthe following school year (for current 8th grade students;9th grade students will not have any additional opportunities totake the test after 9th grade).Claims of Testing IrregularitiesIf you believe there is interference or testing irregularity duringany part of the SHSAT test, you should bring the matter to theimmediate attention of the proctor. This may include amisprinted test booklet, undue distraction, or improperstudent behavior. The proctor will attempt to remedy thesituation and may take a written statement from you at theend of the test.Students and parents/guardians may also report anysuspected proctoring or testing irregularities, in the form ofa letter, to the address below:Office of Student Enrollment52 Chambers Street, Room 415New York, NY 10007Mailed letters must be sent by certified mail with proof ofdelivery and postmarked no later than one week after the testadministration. For all claims, please include parent/guardianand student names, as well as telephone and/or email contactinformation. Any claims of testing irregularity postmarked laterthan one week after the test date may not be considered.Claims will be responded to on an individual basis.SHSAT ScoringSHSAT scores are based on the number of correct answersmarked. There is no penalty for wrong answers. If you are notsure of an answer, you should mark your best guess. Youshould not spend too much time on any one question. Answereach question as best you can or skip it and keep going. If youhave time at the end of the test, you may go back.Each answer sheet is scanned and scored electronically, andthe number of correct answers, called a raw score, isdetermined for each test taker. Because there are severalforms of the SHSAT, raw scores from different test formscannot be compared directly. The test forms were developedto be as similar as possible, but they are not identical.To make valid score comparisons, a raw score must beconverted into another type of score that takes into accountthe differences between test forms. In a process calledcalibration, verbal and mathematics raw scores are convertedinto scaled scores. The raw scores and scaled scores are notproportional. In the middle of the range of scores, an increaseof one raw score point may correspond to an increase of threeor four scaled score points. At the top or bottom of the rangeof scores, an increase of one raw score point may correspondto 10-20 scaled score points. The reason for this difference isthat the scaled scores have been adjusted to fit the normalcurve. Scaled scores are on a scale that is common to all testforms, making it possible to compare these scores directly.The composite score is the sum of the verbal and mathematicsscaled scores. The composite score is used to determineadmission to a Specialized High School.Review ProceduresAfter receiving results, you and your parents/guardians mayreview a copy of their answer sheet by requesting anappointment with a representative from the Office ofAssessment. Copies of answer sheets are not available fordistribution but will be reviewed at the scheduled appointment.Appointments may be arranged in one of the following ways:1) By submitting an electronic request via the SHSAT website,www.nyc.gov/schools/Accountability/resources/testing/SHSAT, or2) By sending a written request via certified mail with proof ofdelivery to:Office of Assessment, SHSAT Review52 Chambers Street, Room 309New York, New York 10007Electronic requests must be submitted and letters must bepostmarked no later than April 1, 2016. Requests mustinclude:Student’s name, date of birth, and OSIS numberParent/guardian’s phone number and email addressWithin four weeks of receipt of the request, the Office ofAssessment will provide appointment details. If there are daysor times during normal business hours in the months of Aprilthrough June that the students and parents/guardians will notbe available, be sure to indicate them on your request, asrescheduling may not be possible.19

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