
2016SHSAT_English 2016SHSAT_English


Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School ofMusic & Art and Performing Arts auditionsis auditioning for two studios, then she/he must provide twocopies of the Audition Ticket and report card. Students areevaluated solely on the official marks awarded during theprevious academic school year. No reevaluation will be donebased on any subsequent improved academic performance.Registering for LaGuardia High SchoolAuditionsIf students are interested in applying to one or more of thesix studios at LaGuardia High School, they should review theaudition requirements listed in this handbook and also in the2016 Directory of the New York City Public High Schools toprepare for their audition(s).Students registered to audition for more than two studiosmay be asked by LaGuardia High School to audition over morethan one day. Students should ask their guidance counselors tofollow up with LaGuardia High School directly if they are in thissituation.English Language Learners eligible for testingaccommodations and students with disabilities whoseIndividualized Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 Plans provide fortesting accommodations will receive those accommodationsfor the LaGuardia High School audition(s) as long as theaccommodations do not interfere with the content or the skillbeing measured.Students with disabilities or English Language Learners andeligible former English Language Learners who will be usingtheir accommodations for LaGuardia High School auditionsmust send directly to LaGuardia High School any relevantdocuments related to the accommodations prior to the RFTdeadline (e.g., student’s IEP, 504 Plan, or signed letter onschool letterhead describing English Language Learnersupports received by student in school setting).Documentation for LaGuardia High School can be faxed to212-724-5748 or emailed to admissions@laguardiahs.net.Students must arrive on time for audition(s), although thearrival time indicated on the Audition Ticket may not be theactual start time of the audition. Students should bring a lightsnack and/or water.At the LaGuardia auditions, there is a designated waiting/reunion area for parents/guardians, as they are not allowed inthe audition areas. Parents/guardians also may choose to leaveand re-enter the school building at any time. It is important thatthe student has food/water and that any other communicationwith families is made prior to the beginning of the auditionprocess.Audition Information FOR EACH Studio13,625 students auditioned for LaGuardia High School for anoffer to one or more of the school’s six studios for the 2015-2016 school year. Students may audition for the studios listedbelow. Only students who are residents of New York City areeligible to apply and audition.Dance Applicants participate in both a ballet class and amodern dance class. Female applicants must wear a leotard,footless or convertible tights and ballet shoes. Males shouldwear a fitted t-shirt, black leggings, fitted black sweatpants orblack tights, and ballet shoes. Applicants are evaluated for theirpotential to succeed in the specific training offered.Drama Applicants should be prepared to perform twocontrasting one-minute monologues. Applicants will be askedto do an impromptu reading and participate in an interview.Attire should allow free movement since applicants may beasked to demonstrate how well they move physically.Fine Art Applicants must bring a portfolio of 8-15 pieces oforiginal artwork done in a variety of media. The artwork shouldbe from observation, imagination, and memory, and labeledappropriately. Photographs—not originals—of threedimensional(3D) works may be included. For the audition,applicants will be given three drawing assignments, includingdrawing the human figure from observation, drawing a still lifefrom memory, and creating a drawing in color based onimagination. All drawing materials for auditions will be suppliedby the school at the time of the audition.Instrumental Music Applicants should prepare asolo selection to perform without accompaniment and bringone copy of the music they plan to perform. Applicants shouldbring their instruments to the audition, except those auditioningon piano, percussion, tuba, double bass, and harp. Theseinstruments will be provided by the school at the audition.Amplifiers also will be provided at the audition for electricguitarists. Applicants will be tested for rhythm and tonalmemory and will be asked to complete a sight-reading of agiven selection.Technical Theatre Applicants are expected to bring aprepared 3D design model for presentation.They will be asked to participate in a small-group, hands-onpractical in one or more aspects of technical theatre.Vocal Music Applicants should prepare a song to singwithout accompaniment for the audition. The musical selectioncan be classical or popular in style. In the audition applicantswill be asked to sing back melodic patterns and tap backrhythmic patterns. LaGuardia High School has a suggestedonline song list (www.laguardiahs.org); applicants are notrequired to select from the song list.12

4steps in the Application ProcesssectionApplying to the Specialized High Schools1Contact Guidance CounselorStudents should contact their guidance counselor toindicate intention to take the SHSAT and/or audition forLaGuardia High School within the RFT period, starting in earlySeptember.2Obtain a Test or Audition TicketPrior to the testing/audition date(s), school guidancecounselors will provide students with a SHSAT TestTicket and/or a LaGuardia High School Audition Ticket. Thisticket will indicate the location of the test/audition site, the dateand time of the SHSAT/audition, the student’s ID number, andthe school code number of the student’s current school. If astudent has a conflict with the test or audition date assigned,the student should inform his/her guidance counselorimmediately to arrange an alternate test or audition date. OnceTest and Audition Tickets have been issued, students areexpected to arrive on the date and time indicated on theirtickets. SHSAT test sites are based on the location of students’current schools, not current home address. LaGuardia HighSchool audition dates and times are based on the boroughwhere students currently attend school.3Review Test or Audition TicketStudents and parents/guardians should review allinformation on the Test or Audition Ticket for accuracy.English Language Learners and students with disabilities shouldcheck their ticket and make sure they are scheduled for theappropriate testing date (see pages 9 and 11) with theappropriate accommodations. They should inform theirguidance counselors immediately if there are any errors on theTest or Audition Ticket.4Complete and Obtain PARENT/Guardian Signature on Test orAudition TicketStudents and parents/guardians must sign the Test or AuditionTicket prior to the exam or audition. Those taking the SHSATshould rank, in priority order, up to eight Specialized HighSchools to which they want to apply. Students will copy thesechoices onto the test answer sheet on test day. Students maychoose to apply to only one school, or may apply to as many asall eight schools to increase their chances of being offered a seatin one of those Specialized High Schools. Students should onlylist schools that they wish to attend if they are offered a seat.Once choices have been submitted on the day of the test, theymay not be changed. The LaGuardia High School Audition Ticketwill display the studio(s) for which the student requested toaudition when the RFT was submitted. Students should make acopy of the Audition Ticket for each audition they attend.5Attend SHSAT or AuditionStudents taking the SHSAT must bring their Test Ticketto their assigned test site on the day of the test. Studentsauditioning for one or more studios at LaGuardia High Schoolmust bring their Audition Tickets to their audition(s) as well.Students arriving without an Audition or Test Ticket may not beguaranteed admittance. Although sites will make every effort toconfirm a student's registration and accommodate those withmissing tickets, another test or audition date may need to bescheduled. Students should arrive at the time indicated on theTest or Audition Ticket; but it is important to note that the testor audition may start after the arrival time listed on the Test orAudition Ticket.Students are allowed to bring cell phones to the SHSAT test siteand/or LaGuardia High School, but cell phones must be turnedoff and not in use while in school buildings. No other electronicdevices are allowed. Prior to to the start of the audition orSHSAT, students must be prepared to turn in their cell phoneswhen it is requested.For both the SHSAT and LaGuardia High School auditions,students may bring a snack and water; however, test andaudition site staff, including proctors and adjudicators, willdetermine when consuming these items is allowed.6Receive ResultsStudents must be residents of New York City in order toreceive results of the SHSAT and/or offers to LaGuardiaHigh School studio(s). In March 2016, students will be notifiedthrough the High School Admissions Round One result letters asto whether or not they received offer(s) to the Specialized HighSchools. It is possible for students who audition for one or moreof the studios at LaGuardia High School to receive offer(s) toone or more of the studios at LaGuardia High School. Studentswho receive offers to a Specialized High School may, at thesame time, receive an offer to one of the other high schoolchoices that were submitted on his/her New York City HighSchool Admissions Application. At this time, the student willhave to choose between the Specialized High School offer(s)and the High School Admissions application offer.13

Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School ofMusic & Art and Performing Arts auditionsis auditioning for two studios, then she/he must provide twocopies of the Audition Ticket and report card. Students areevaluated solely on the official marks awarded during theprevious academic school year. No reevaluation will be donebased on any subsequent improved academic performance.Registering for LaGuardia High SchoolAuditionsIf students are interested in applying to one or more of thesix studios at LaGuardia High School, they should review theaudition requirements listed in this handbook and also in the2016 Directory of the New York City Public High Schools toprepare for their audition(s).Students registered to audition for more than two studiosmay be asked by LaGuardia High School to audition over morethan one day. Students should ask their guidance counselors tofollow up with LaGuardia High School directly if they are in thissituation.<strong>English</strong> Language Learners eligible for testingaccommodations and students with disabilities whoseIndividualized Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 Plans provide fortesting accommodations will receive those accommodationsfor the LaGuardia High School audition(s) as long as theaccommodations do not interfere with the content or the skillbeing measured.Students with disabilities or <strong>English</strong> Language Learners andeligible former <strong>English</strong> Language Learners who will be usingtheir accommodations for LaGuardia High School auditionsmust send directly to LaGuardia High School any relevantdocuments related to the accommodations prior to the RFTdeadline (e.g., student’s IEP, 504 Plan, or signed letter onschool letterhead describing <strong>English</strong> Language Learnersupports received by student in school setting).Documentation for LaGuardia High School can be faxed to212-724-5748 or emailed to admissions@laguardiahs.net.Students must arrive on time for audition(s), although thearrival time indicated on the Audition Ticket may not be theactual start time of the audition. Students should bring a lightsnack and/or water.At the LaGuardia auditions, there is a designated waiting/reunion area for parents/guardians, as they are not allowed inthe audition areas. Parents/guardians also may choose to leaveand re-enter the school building at any time. It is important thatthe student has food/water and that any other communicationwith families is made prior to the beginning of the auditionprocess.Audition Information FOR EACH Studio13,625 students auditioned for LaGuardia High School for anoffer to one or more of the school’s six studios for the 2015-2016 school year. Students may audition for the studios listedbelow. Only students who are residents of New York City areeligible to apply and audition.Dance Applicants participate in both a ballet class and amodern dance class. Female applicants must wear a leotard,footless or convertible tights and ballet shoes. Males shouldwear a fitted t-shirt, black leggings, fitted black sweatpants orblack tights, and ballet shoes. Applicants are evaluated for theirpotential to succeed in the specific training offered.Drama Applicants should be prepared to perform twocontrasting one-minute monologues. Applicants will be askedto do an impromptu reading and participate in an interview.Attire should allow free movement since applicants may beasked to demonstrate how well they move physically.Fine Art Applicants must bring a portfolio of 8-15 pieces oforiginal artwork done in a variety of media. The artwork shouldbe from observation, imagination, and memory, and labeledappropriately. Photographs—not originals—of threedimensional(3D) works may be included. For the audition,applicants will be given three drawing assignments, includingdrawing the human figure from observation, drawing a still lifefrom memory, and creating a drawing in color based onimagination. All drawing materials for auditions will be suppliedby the school at the time of the audition.Instrumental Music Applicants should prepare asolo selection to perform without accompaniment and bringone copy of the music they plan to perform. Applicants shouldbring their instruments to the audition, except those auditioningon piano, percussion, tuba, double bass, and harp. Theseinstruments will be provided by the school at the audition.Amplifiers also will be provided at the audition for electricguitarists. Applicants will be tested for rhythm and tonalmemory and will be asked to complete a sight-reading of agiven selection.Technical Theatre Applicants are expected to bring aprepared 3D design model for presentation.They will be asked to participate in a small-group, hands-onpractical in one or more aspects of technical theatre.Vocal Music Applicants should prepare a song to singwithout accompaniment for the audition. The musical selectioncan be classical or popular in style. In the audition applicantswill be asked to sing back melodic patterns and tap backrhythmic patterns. LaGuardia High School has a suggestedonline song list (www.laguardiahs.org); applicants are notrequired to select from the song list.12

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