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12. Straight line k passes through the point( 2 3, 4) with an x-intercept of 3. What is theequation of line k?F. y 5 2 } 3 2 } x 1 3G. y 5 2 } 2 3 } x 2 3M06-063BH. y 5 2 } 2 3 } x 1 2J. y 5 2 } 1 3 } x 1 315.p__q ​, p 1 q, p 2 q, p2 1 q 2 ,p 2___q 2​1If p 5 q 5 ____√​ _ ​ , which one of the expressions2​above does not represent a rational number?A.p__q ​B. p 1 qC. p 2 q13.K. y 5 } 2 3 } x 2 2yD. p 2 1 q 2E.p 2___q 2​OPy 15x 45The line defined by the equation y 15x 45intercepts the x-axis at point P as shownabove. What are the coordinates of point P?A. (45, 0)B. (3, 0)C. ( 3, 0)D. (0, 3)E. (0, 45)14. Seven consecutive integers are arrangedin increasing order. Their sum is 7k.What is the value of the second integerin terms of k?F. k 2 6G. k 2 2H. kJ. k 1 1K. 7k 2 6x16. A tiny robot sits on the point (1, 2 2) of thecoordinate plane. At each flash of a blue light,it moves 4 units to the right and 5 units down.At each flash of a red light, it moves 1 unit tothe left and 4 units up. If, at the end of 15 redflashes and n blue flashes, the robot is sittingon the line y 5 x, what is n?F. 5G. 8H. 14J. 15K. 4417. |x 2 1| 3|x 1 2| 4How many integer values of x satisfy bothinequalities shown above?A. 0B. 1C. 3D. 4E. 5110

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