Final report - European Commission - Europa

Final report - European Commission - Europa

Final report - European Commission - Europa


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WORKSHOP CONCLUSIONSRapporteur: Elisa Sainz, Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade - Directorate General for SMEs,SpainI. PreambleI would like to start with an introductory remark. In the other five workshops, the topic for discussion was very precise.In our workshop we have been dealing with a purely strategical question: how can the decision makers turn theory intopractice where promoting the entrepreneurial spirit is concerned?First of all, I would like to point out that we are all agreed on one point: education is a key element in the creation of anincreasingly entrepreneurial society, but to be really effective we need a genuine agreement between the variousGovernments, which should develop global strategies.II.Strategic pointsPrincipal conclusions and recommendations:Nowadays, no one disputes the fact that the entrepreneurial spirit is a driving force for economic growth, progressand wellbeing. Now is the time for action with the cooperation of all the parties concerned.These parties are many and varied:Public administrations (at <strong>European</strong>, national, regional and local level);Teachers;Students and schoolchildren;Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs' associations;Trade unions;The media (press, TV, Internet);Parents.Clearly, each has a part to play but they will all have to cooperate if a genuine synergy is to be achieved. Public-privatepartnerships must be promoted more vigorously.The establishment of an observatory in which all these parties are represented is another possible recommendation.The regional dimension is very important. It is necessary, however, to have the requisite material and humanresources at regional level in order to be able to influence the world of the entrepreneur.While acknowledging the importance of the part to be played by the local and regional dimension in promotingentrepreneurship, it should be pointed out that, in order to be more effective, there must be a systematic andglobal strategy at national level for coordinating all the efforts, particularly bearing in mind that the entrepreneurialspirit concerns a variety of ministries (education, industry, economic affairs, employment etc.).A high level political agreement would permit swifter progress in the construction of an entrepreneurial society.Another key element is a favourable social climate. Society in general must be made aware of the importance ofthe entrepreneur for social progress. This will help promote a positive image of entrepreneurs, who will thus beable to serve as models for young people (via TV, Internet). A representative of the Economic and SocialCommittee has suggested that there should be a "year of the entrepreneur".71Entrepreneurship Education in Europe: Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindsets through Education and Learning

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