Final report - European Commission - Europa

Final report - European Commission - Europa

Final report - European Commission - Europa


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ACTION PROGRAMME FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND EDUCATIONMarjan van Dongen, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the NetherlandsStimulating and embedding entrepreneurship in education (from primary school to university) is one of the maingoals of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation policy of the Dutch government. The action programme Education andEntrepreneurship states a number of stimulating actions towards students, teachers and educational institutions,which are being implemented at the moment.It appears to be important to support educational institutions during the first few years, and to facilitate them inworking out entrepreneurship in education. Already quite a number of good initiatives are known in the Netherlands,but these should be opened up to schools that would also like to start with implementing the theme of entrepreneurshipin their institutions. However there is quite a difference in the points of departure for the different sectors ofeducation.In November 2005 the National Partnership Learning Entrepreneurship (Leren Ondernemen) was set up. The partnershipincludes employers’ organizations, umbrella organizations in education and parties that are actively stimulatingentrepreneurship in education with specific means like business plan contests. Together their goal is to join forcesto stimulate entrepreneurship in the different sectors of education. SenterNovem, agency of the Ministry of EconomicAffairs, is coordinating the project.The central objective of the partnership is stimulation and wider implementation of initiatives that contribute toconnecting entrepreneurship and education. Entrepreneurship is hereby interpreted as the skills and knowledge thatare needed to start and run a business. Part of this consists of stimulating an entrepreneurial spirit and pro-activityamong young people. The programme has to be inspiring and facilitating to everyone who wishes to do somethingon this theme in education. The partnership’s goal is to generate added value to schools and entrepreneurs.In 2006 different lines of action were carried out:1. Entrepreneurship assignments for teachers and students2. Entrepreneurs in front of the classroom3. Label for entrepreneurial schools4. Roadshows in cooperation with schools5. Local ambassadors6. Annual award for schools7. Website as information portal: www.lerenondernemen.nlIn 2007, two subsidy programmes will be created from the annual natural gas revenues. The first programme to startis aimed at Higher Education, stimulating institutions to create Centers of Entrepreneurship. Later next year, a secondsubsidy will be aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship in Primary and Secondary Education.66Entrepreneurship Education in Europe: Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindsets through Education and Learning

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