Final report - European Commission - Europa

Final report - European Commission - Europa

Final report - European Commission - Europa


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STRATEGY FOR ENTERPRISE IN PRIMARY EDUCATIONSandra Ewen, Determined to Succeed, Scotland, UK.Background and Education landscapeThere is no statutory curriculum in Scotland. Scotland’s 32 local authorities have autonomy to decide on the shape oflocal education which should aim to meet local needs. Nevertheless, the Scottish Executive – devolved administrationfor Scotland, which has the power to make decisions on most issues affecting Scotland’s people – has identified 5National Priorities for Education which provide a framework for all pre-school, primary and secondary education:Achievement and Attainment, Framework for Learning, Inclusion and Equality, Values and Citizenship, and Learning forLife. Scottish education is currently undergoing radical reform, along with 3 pillars. One of them is Determined toSucceed.Entrepreneurship Education in Primary SchoolsEntrepreneurship Education has featured in Scotland’s schools for many years and has traditionally involved pupils increating a mini-enterprise and developing and marketing a product or service for profit. Whilst this approach has beensuccessful in giving pupils a practical awareness of entrepreneurship and enterprise, the Scottish Executive recognisedthe need for a more holistic approach to developing the sort of enterprising young people who would fuel Scotland’slong-term economic growth. A review of Education for Work and Enterprise was undertaken in 2002 and resulted inDetermined to Succeed – the Scottish Executive’s strategy for enterprise in education. Determined to Succeed aims betterto prepare young people for the world of work by developing in them the skills, knowledge and positive attitudesthey will need as future employees, employers - and entrepreneurs. It goes well beyond entrepreneurship education bybringing together under a coherent framework, enterprise and entrepreneurial experiences, work-based vocational learningand appropriately focused career education. Partnerships between schools and employers and collaboration witha wide range of education and business partners are central.The Scottish Executive leads and funds Determined to Succeed centrally. Scotland’s 32 local authorities have ownershipfor local delivery who are making good progress in bringing Determined to Succeed to life across all Scotland’s schools.This is done primarily through the funding of programmes delivered by Young Enterprise Scotland, Careers Scotland(career guidance organisation) and other providers. Determined to Succeed encourages local authority educationdepartments to embed such programmes within the curriculum, thereby targeting all pupils. But, as there is no statutorycurriculum in Scotland individual authorities have discretion to deliver provision to meet local circumstances.This presentation sets the scene on the need for enterprise in education to be delivered as an economic priority ratherthan an educational one from a very early age. Set in the context of current educational reform it will attempt to sharethe Scottish Executives vision of a more successful and prosperous Scotland where young people are Determined toSucceed and where innovation, wealth creation and entrepreneurship are valued. The presentation will include somecase studies of successful entrepreneurial activities in Scottish Primary Schools where children as young as 5 are learningthe principles of running their own businesses and developing a ‘can do – will do’ attitude and where money is nolonger a bad word in educational circles.30Entrepreneurship Education in Europe: Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindsets through Education and Learning

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