Final report - European Commission - Europa

Final report - European Commission - Europa

Final report - European Commission - Europa


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ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARYSCHOOLS IN THE COUNTY OF TELEMARKKerstin Laue, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), NorwayCooperation between partners from private and public sectorAfter 4 years of cooperation different organisations from private and public sector, like the County council andgovernment, The confederation of Norwegian enterprise and the university college, signed a partnership agreementwhich defines the common objectives, and where each partner brings inn not only resources, but - even more important– their networks.Local projectsThe entrepreneurship programme is anchored locally. Each region or municipality has its own project. In this way therequest to integrate entrepreneurship in schools comes from the Municipality as school-owner, and not from an outsideorganisation.Common understandingWe have invested a lot of effort in creating a common understanding of entrepreneurship as a key competence for all,not only for creating new businesses. This was crucial to motivate Heads of schools and teachers, especially at primarylevel.The progression modelWe have developed a progression model – teacher guidelines that not only define the content of the entrepreneurship– competence, but show how each level can contribute, based on the national curriculum. The progression model waspublished by the Norwegian government in 2002, and will soon be available in English.The tool-boxThere are more ways in promoting entrepreneurship than mini-companies. The teacher needs a tool-box, designed to fitwithin the curriculum, and based on the progression model. The tool-box for primary schools contents activitiespromoting creativity, management skills, project work and god ideas of how to cooperate with working life.Teacher trainingWe have a 3 step programme: step 1: in-service teacher training to create a common understanding; step 2: teachernetworks and benchmarking; step 3: longer university programmes for local “facilitators”.School-developmentEntrepreneurship education is not only new activities – it is school development.The key issue is a flexible organisation and teachers who change focus from teaching to learning, and look at theirpupils not as empty glasses to be filled, but as a resource.29Entrepreneurship Education in Europe: Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindsets through Education and Learning

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