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82 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.ideas in bringing together people from widely separatedvillages, and the large predominance of the farming classover the merchant class in our church membership inthis province, seem to make a sufficiently divergent background to account for many differences in the work inthe two places. Being also largely out of touch with thelife at the ports, the demand for, and the use of, Englishis very small, so that our primary and secondary schoolsare entirely on a vernacular basis, and even in the collegework English simply has the place of a stud} and is,not used as a means of instruction for other branches."Our Weihsien field has fifty-five country schoolsfor boys, nine of which are entirely self-supporting, and ofthe remaining schools, three-fifths of the expense is paid bythe local Christians. These schools have an enrollmentof 760, and are all provided with Christian teachers, mostof whom have had training at our Union Normal Department at Tsingchowfu. There are thirteen country schoolsfor girls with an enrollment of 260. These schools are alltaught.by graduates of the Weihsieu Girls High School.These country schools form our educational foundation,on which are based our Weihsien Girls High School andPoint Breeze Academy, both of which are unfortunately toolimited in capacity to accommodate the properly equippedapplicants. The higher education for boys is carried onin the Union Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Theology,and Medicine of the Shantung Christian University."The following figures are supplied for Manchuria :UNITED FREE CHURCH. May 26, 1910.District. Schools. Pupils.Hulan iCh aoyangchen ... ... 6 ... ... ...4noKaiyiian ... ... ... 12 ... ... ... 180Yungling 3 60Moukden ... .. ... 5 ... ... ... 192Iviaoyang ... ... ... 20 ... ... ... 382Haichengi 2448 952

MISSION SCHOOLS FOR MEN AND BOYS.IRISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.Pupils,3027501 887724033034About 90 per cent, of these pupils belong to theprimary grade and 10 per cent, to the middle grade.Over 15 per cent, are from non-Christian families.The course of instruction varies slightly accordingto the district, but generally speaking the curriculumincludes the following:Arithmetic, Geography, History, Writing, Hygiene,Singing, National Readers, Classics, Ethics, Drill, Scripture, Algebra, and Elementary Geometry.Boarders pay for all their food and fuel, and insome schools a small fee is paid by all.West China.Since 1907 the missions in West China have madegreat progress in educational work. To describe thesituation adequately, it is best to deal with each provinceseparately, because while all three provinces have unitedunder the West China Missions Advisory Board and inthe Church Union movement they are, up to the presenttime, quite distinct in their educational work.In Gwei Djow the only Mission working duringthese three years has been the China Inland Mission.Inasmuch as their policy is to direct their efforts almostexclusively to the preaching of the Word, no comprehensive scheme of school work has been developed. So far

82 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.ideas in bringing together people from widely separatedvillages, and the large predominance of the farming classover the merchant class in our church membership inthis province, seem to make a sufficiently divergent background to account for many differences in the work inthe two places. Being also largely out of touch with thelife at the ports, the demand for, and the use of, Englishis very small, so that our primary and secondary schoolsare entirely on a vernacular basis, and even in the collegework English simply has the place of a stud} and is,not used as a means of instruction for other branches."Our Weihsien field has fifty-five country schoolsfor boys, nine of which are entirely self-supporting, and ofthe remaining schools, three-fifths of the expense is paid bythe local Christians. These schools have an enrollmentof 760, and are all provided with Christian teachers, mostof whom have had training at our Union Normal Department at Tsingchowfu. There are thirteen country schoolsfor girls with an enrollment of 260. These schools are alltaught.by graduates of the Weihsieu Girls High School.These country schools form our educational foundation,on which are based our Weihsien Girls High School andPoint Breeze Academy, both of which are unfortunately toolimited in capacity to accommodate the properly equippedapplicants. The higher education for boys is carried onin the Union Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Theology,and Medicine of the Shantung Christian University."The following figures are supplied for Manchuria :UNITED FREE CHURCH. May 26, 1910.District. Schools. Pupils.Hulan iCh aoyangchen ... ... 6 ... ... ...4noKaiyiian ... ... ... 12 ... ... ... 180Yungling 3 60Moukden ... .. ... 5 ... ... ... 192Iviaoyang ... ... ... 20 ... ... ... 382Haichengi 2448 952

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