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"MISSION .SCHOOLS FOR MEN AND BOYS. 8 1In addition to these higher institutions, the following are worthy of mention, viz :M. E. M. Intermediate School Chihsi.M. E. M.., ,, I,anchow.A. B. C. F. M. Benevolence to All vSchool Paotingfu.S. P. G. Anglican School Peking.L. M. S. Boarding School Peking.A. P. M. Presbyterian Academy Peking.S. C. M. Boarding School Taitningfu.M. E. M. Anglo-Chinese School Tientsin.Y. M.C. A. Pu-TungJVliddle School ,,E. M. INI. Intermediate School Tongshan.A. P. M. Chefoo High School Chefoo.C. E. M. vSt. Peter s College Chefoo.S. B. C. Boys High School Hwanghsien.A. P. M. Boys Academy Ichowfn.A. B. C. F. M. P. Academy Pangchuang.S. B. C. North China Baptist Institute School Pingtu.E. B. M. Middle School Putai.A. P. M. Clara L,. Hamilton Academy School Chinanfu.A. P. M. Point Breeze Academy School Weihsien.U. F. C. Hi^h School Liaoyang.A. B. C. F. M . Oberlin Memorial Taikuhsien.C. P. M. High School Weihjaifu.Mr. Ralph C. Wells writes concerningthe educational work in Shantung:I was very much impressed during arecent visitof a prominent educator from Shanghai with the different conditions which exist in the work as he depicteditin Central China and what we have in Shantung. Theconditions and problems of our work were so differentthat we found comparison difficult. It seemed more asthough we were working in two separate countries thanin different parts of the same empire. The differences ofwhich we were speaking could perhaps mostly be accounted for by the difference in the means of travel andcommunication and differences of occupation of our constituencies. The lack of canals ;the net work of roadsand paths by which the people travel with carts, barrowsand pack animals from one village to another : the rotation of markets, which makes a constant circulation of

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