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80 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.a decade great improvement will be made. But in anycase there need be no conflict or competition betweentheir schools and ours. The supreme aim of our collegeis to educate thoroughly young men who as pastors orlaymen will prove able and devoted leaders in thechurch; while in the government the education will bestrictly secular, if not anti-Christian.The church therefore should do all in its power tofoster and develop this college, where an education isgiven which inspires respect on every hand, and whichis permeated with Christianity from start to finish.Such a work carried on by the church bears a mostvital relation to the evangelization of Shantung. Itshows the governing classes that the church stands foreducation of the highest order, for loyalty to nativeland, and obedience to the powers that be. It showsthat the church isdeveloping young men who are useful,both to the church itself and to the common- wealth.The English Baptist Mission reports that the yearbegan with 180 students, of whom 51 were from theBaptist Mission. Thirteen won Marnham Scholarshipsto cover the cost of their food. It is expected that therewill be 90 Baptist students in the coming year a recordnumber.The spiritual life of the boys is healthy, thoughthis year there has been no great wave of revival as in1906. Ever} Sunday a dozen volunteers from theCollege Y. M. C. A. go into the villages preaching.MANCHURIA MISSION COLLEGE at Moukden, a unionof the Irish Presbyterian and the United Free Church ofScotland Missions.Owing to the extraordinarily rapid development ofevangelistic work, the Mancliurian Missions did notdevelop their educational work as rapidly as missions inother parts of China. Accordingly the Mission Reportscontain little reference to the Moukden College. Thereappear to be two foreign instructors.

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