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MISSION SCHOOLS FOR MKN AND BOYS. 77There are three departments primary, middle, andcollegiate --and all in working order. The college depends entirely on the fees of its students ; absolutely nosupport being given by the Home Society. The chemistry and engineering departments are in a fair stateof equipment, and a law school began in 1909. Classesin Old and New Testament History form part of thecurriculum. All the students attend daily prayers. Atall other services the attendance is optional. The students "Christian Band" conducts daily Bible readings,Sunday and other services. The purpose of the schoolis to reach the sons of non-Christians of the higherclass and to influence them in every possible way,but principally by voluntary religious observances andpersonal effort. The tuition is $40, board $60, andshare of a room $20 a year. There are scholarshipsranging from $20 a year, held for three years, up to the^highest of $120 a year for two years. The school land is*worth $50,000 Mex., buildings $100,000 Mex. There isno endowment, and no money is received from the Mission Board except the salaries of part of the foreignThe staff.Viceroy and other high officials have shownvery great interest in the school.NORTH CHINA UNION COLLEGE, Tungchou, nearPeking. Dr. D. Z. Sheffield, president. Faculty : 8foreigners, 5 Chinese ; 141 students.This college is supported by a union of the A. B.C. F. M., A. P. M., and L. M. S., and supersedes thecollege of the American Board, which was utterlydestroyed by the Boxers in 1900.The college has had a prosperous year with 13students in the fourth year, 4 in the third, 15 in thesecond, and 20 in the first ;a total of 52 in the college.There are 60 in the academic or preparatory department,making 112 in all. An attempt has been made duringthe year to secure the cooperation of the students inthe general regulation and order of the school. This

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