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7$ CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.A strong religious influence is maintained in theuniversity, though no religious tests are required fromthe students. While there is perfect liberty of religiousbelief, a large majority of the students are Christians,and forty-two out of the forty-nine graduates of theCollege of Arts entered Christian service either as preachers or teachers, knowing they could command five orten times as much pay in some secular calling.The Student Volunteer Band now numbers 200.During the summer the friends interested in the baud, bytheir voluntary contributions again made it possible forover 40 students to preach during the summer. Reportstell of a successful campaign. At the very urgent requestof the General Committee of the Young Men s ChristianAssociation we again granted permission for Professor ChenTsai-hsin, president of the Volunteer Band, to aid themfor three weeks in November in Christian work in a number of schools and colleges in North China and Manchuria.We have reached the limit of accommodation forstudents because of the lack of dormitory room. To-daywe have nearly one hundred students living in thewretched old Chinese buildings that we hoped would beforever discarded when Taft Hall was completed. A newdormitory must be built if our work is not to be hindered.The property of the university is valued at Tls,155,500, and the invested assets amount to Tls. 45,177,to which should be added $7,223 in Mexicans. Duringthe past year Taels 7,548 was added to the productiveendowment. Special gifts were also received to theamount of $6,939.THE UNION MEDICAL COLLEGE isChapter X.reported on inTIENTSIN ANGLO-CHINESE COLLEGE. Faculty, 8 foreigners, 5 Chinese, 280 students. I,. M. S.This school was opened in 1902 with 70 studentswith Dr. S. Iy. Hart as sole teacher. The progress madein attendance, equipment, etc., has been remarkable.

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