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"72 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.evangelistic work that during those times of the day inwhich there are numbers of visitors the aim is to givean evangelistic address every hour. These addressesare attended by numbers varying from 40 to 200 andmore. Among those attending are sometimes to be seenofficials who may be visiting the Institute. On a recentoccasion members of the new Provincial Council listenedwith close attention to an evangelistic address.The following table shows numbers of visitors tothe Institute during 1909 :Total number of visits paid during 1909 215,099Officials 1,085Students .,. 43,477Pilgrims largely representing country people ofthe farmer class ... ... ... ... ... 19,346Readers in Reading Room and Library ... ...37,966Wives of officials ... ... ... ... ... 552Other women visitors ... ... ... ... ... 13,645Soldiers 11,480Rest of visitors made up of all classes ofthe people.* During 1909 visits from officials were much below the average, owingnumber to aof changes in official staff and other reasons.J. S. WHITEWRIGHT.NOTE : Work of a unique kind to reach the scholars iscarried on by Wm. Wilson, M. B. C. M first at , Suiting, C. I. M.,and now in Chentu as part of the Y. M. C. A. The specialty isthe manufacture of scientific apparatus. See pamphlet. In Touchwith China s Scholars," C. I. M., London.

CHAPTER V.MISSION SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, AND UNIVERSITIESFOR MEN AND BOYS.Chibli, Shantung, Manchuria.PEKING UNIVERSITY. Members of Faculty, including the Union Medical College, 33 foreigners, 7 Chinese.Instructors and assistants, 19. Dr. H. H. L,ovvry, president.It may help to a better understanding of the presentsituation of the university to take a brief survey of whathas preceded. The first class graduated in 1892. Sincethen twelve classes have completed the courses prescribed and fifty-five have received the diploma of theuniversity forty-nine from the College of Arts and;six from the College of Medicine.The first class consisted of five young men. One ofthese was a most valuable teacher in his Alma Materfrom his graduation until three years ago to-day whenhe entered into rest. Another has served several of themost important churches in the North China Conferenceof the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in 1900 receivedthe unique honor of being mentioned in a memorial ofthe Magistrate of the city of Laoting to Li Hung-chang,requesting the Viceroy to ask the Bishop not to removehim from the pastorate in that city. He now occupiesthe responsible position of District Superintendent ofPeking District, with equal rank and authority withhis colleagues from the United States. Another memberof that class was selected by the committee of the Centenary Conference in Shanghai appointed to secure apastor to represent all the Protestant churches in Chinaamong the Chinese students in Tokyo. He has beensignally blessed in that work and has had the privilege

"72 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.evangelistic work that during those times of the day inwhich there are numbers of visitors the aim is to givean evangelistic address every hour. These addressesare attended by numbers varying from 40 to 200 andmore. Among those attending are sometimes to be seenofficials who may be visiting the Institute. On a recentoccasion members of the new Provincial Council listenedwith close attention to an evangelistic address.The following table shows numbers of visitors tothe Institute during 1909 :Total number of visits paid during 1909 215,099Officials 1,085Students .,. 43,477Pilgrims largely representing country people ofthe farmer class ... ... ... ... ... 19,346Readers in Reading Room and Library ... ...37,966Wives of officials ... ... ... ... ... 552Other women visitors ... ... ... ... ... 13,645Soldiers 11,480Rest of visitors made up of all classes ofthe people.* During 1909 visits from officials were much below the average, owingnumber to aof changes in official staff and other reasons.J. S. WHITEWRIGHT.NOTE : Work of a unique kind to reach the scholars iscarried on by Wm. Wilson, M. B. C. M first at , Suiting, C. I. M.,and now in Chentu as part of the Y. M. C. A. The specialty isthe manufacture of scientific apparatus. See pamphlet. In Touchwith China s Scholars," C. I. M., London.

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