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"68 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Shanghai could be thoroughly imbued with the idea ofharmoniously cooperating with foreigners, and of abandoning the very favorite war-cry of China for theChinese," then China itself would derive great benefit,and, we are sure, our enrollment would be expanded.Every word of kindness and encouragement thathas been written to us or spoken will be long cherished.Every act of kindness will be remembered. We giveour gratitude in all sincerity to the kind Providencewho has guided our steps in the past and bestowed onus more mercies than we have been worthy to receive.On the eve of our departure to the States we give ourbest wishes to those who will assist in carrying on thework of the International Institute, and we wish forChina, where we have lived nearly three decades, theblessing of heaven in meeting all the difficulties thatbeset her on every side. We not only would be glad tohave more friends for ourselves, but we pray that China,too, may have friends.TSINANFU INSTITUTE, TSINANFU, SHANTUNGPROVINCE, E. B. M.The work of the above Institute was begun in Tsinanfuin the present buildings in 1905. The Instituteis a continuation and development of that carried on inTsingchowfu since 1887.It aims at reaching all classes of the people, butmakes special efforts to reach the student and officialclasses. The methods of the Institution social, educational, evangelistic may be understood in part from thestatement in Chinese and English in the entrance hall,which is as follows :The object of this Institution is to assist in the endeavour tomanifest the truth with regard to nature, the world, history andthe progress of civilization. By its agencies it seeks to enlightenand educate, to do away with misconceptions in regard to thecivilization of the West, to explain the true nature of the Christian faith and its results on the individual and national life.

WORK FOR THE HIGHER CLASSES. 69The work of the Institution ismainlySOCIAL, EDUCATIONAL, EVANGELISTIC.In the Reception Rooms visitors are met on a social andfriendly basis and the objects and teaching of the Institutionexplained.In the Museum are exhibited natural history specimens,geographical maps and globes, historical charts and diagrams,models and diagrams giving elementary instruction in physiography, geology and astronomy, working models illustrating meansof communication, apparatus demonstrating practical applications of science (specimens of manufactures), diagrams illustrating progress in education, commerce, etc. ;models and picturesof churches, asylums, hospitals, schools and other institutionsillustrating the direct results of Christianity in the West.In the Library and Reading Room some of the best literature,translated into Chinese, is at the disposal of visitors.The Lecture Hall is used for the preaching of the Gospel andalso for the giving of lectures on scientific, historical and othertopics of special value.The Ladies Reception Rooms provide accommodation forwomen visitors ;the Institution is open to women visitors onlyon one day every week.The object of the whole work of theTSINANFU INSTITUTEis thus to dispel misunderstanding, to enlighten as to all thatmakes for the welfare and progress of China, to assist isbringingEast and West into friendly and helpful understanding, andabove all to bring men to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, theSaviour of mankind.The Institution isopen daily free of charge.While all classes of the people are reached by theagencies of the Institute, this brief statement is confinedto special efforts on behalf of the official classes.The first section of the new buildings was openedat that time Provincialby H. E. Yang Shih-hsiang,Governor, in 1905. A year later additional buildingswere opened by H. E. Wu T ing-pin. On both theseoccasions the leading officials of the Province, both civiland military, attended, and addresses were given explaining the objects and methods of the Institution. On thelatter occasion a specially effective address was given bythe late Rev. Calvin Mateer, D.D., on "China s Need

WORK FOR THE HIGHER CLASSES. 69The work of the Institution ismainlySOCIAL, EDUCATIONAL, EVANGELISTIC.In the Reception Rooms visitors are met on a social andfriendly basis and the objects and teaching of the Institutionexplained.In the Museum are exhibited natural history specimens,geographical maps and globes, historical charts and diagrams,models and diagrams giving elementary instruction in physiography, geology and astronomy, working models illustrating meansof communication, apparatus demonstrating practical applications of science (specimens of manufactures), diagrams illustrating progress in education, commerce, etc. ;models and picturesof churches, asylums, hospitals, schools and other institutionsillustrating the direct results of Christianity in the West.In the Library and Reading Room some of the best literature,translated into Chinese, is at the disposal of visitors.The Lecture Hall is used for the preaching of the Gospel andalso for the giving of lectures on scientific, historical and othertopics of special value.The Ladies Reception Rooms provide accommodation forwomen visitors ;the Institution is open to women visitors onlyon one day every week.The object of the whole work of theTSINANFU INSTITUTEis thus to dispel misunderstanding, to enlighten as to all thatmakes for the welfare and progress of China, to assist isbringingEast and West into friendly and helpful understanding, andabove all to bring men to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, theSaviour of mankind.The Institution isopen daily free of charge.While all classes of the people are reached by theagencies of the Institute, this brief statement is confinedto special efforts on behalf of the official classes.The first section of the new buildings was openedat that time Provincialby H. E. Yang Shih-hsiang,Governor, in 1905. A year later additional buildingswere opened by H. E. Wu T ing-pin. On both theseoccasions the leading officials of the Province, both civiland military, attended, and addresses were given explaining the objects and methods of the Institution. On thelatter occasion a specially effective address was given bythe late Rev. Calvin Mateer, D.D., on "China s Need

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