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58 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The followingis the list of schools conducted underthe supervision of the Chihli Provincial Board of Education :iUniversity, located at Tientsin, i Provincial College, at Paotingfu, 17 Industrial Schools, 3 Higher Normal Schools, 49 Elementary Normal Schools, 2 MedicalColleges, 3 Foreign Language Schools, 4 Law Schools,iPhysical Culture and Music School, iTelegraphSchool, 8 Commercial Schools, 5 Agricultural Schools,30 Middle Schools, 174 Upper Primary Schools, 101Mixed Grade Primary Schools, 8,534 Lower PrimarySchools, 131 Girls Schools, 179 Half-Day and NightSchools.This represents a development in modern education in Chihli for a period of six years only, at the beginning of which time about 8,000 students in schools werereported for the whole province and those chiefly inTientsin. There are now 10,410 teachers engaged inthis educational work in Chihli which, more than anyother single fact, indicates the real growth of the movement, because the getting of teachers qualified for thenew education has been and is yet the great problem inpromoting modern education in China. This brief report,while referring to education in Chihli alone, may betaken as a sample of conditions in other progressivesections of the country. So far as I know there has notyet been published any report of new education for thewhole Empire gotten out by the Imperial Board ofEducation. But it is safe to say that the conditionswhich obtain in Chihli, at Peking, Tientsin, Paotingfu,will also be found in more or less advanced degree insuch centres as Mukden, Taiyuenfu, Changsha, Hsianfu,Chinanfu, Kaifengfu, Wuch ang, Soochow, Hangchow,Nanking, Kweichowfu, Yunnanfu, Anching, Lanchow(Kansuh), Foochow, Canton, Chengtu, Chungking.The tendency at the beginning of modern educationin China was to over-emphasize higher grade work tothe neglect of lower and preparatory grades in the new

GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS. 59regime. It soon became evident, however, to theeducational leaders that elementary schools must beestablished in every district. A glance at the Chihlireport will show that primary education has been developed rapidly and is now given special attention.It is hardly to be expected that in all of theseschools, judged by Western standards, the conditions,equipment and work done should be beyond criticism.On the contrary everything is still in the initial stagesof development. But let us keep our perspective informing all conclusions. It is a very common error forWestern people to make, in judging Chinese educationalinstitutions, to unconsciously lower the standard. It issaid modern education is new in China, therefore thegrade of work of Chinese students and their capacity arevery inferior.The whole scheme of education is a unit, modelledlargely after the Japanese system, and while at first ismore or less theoretical yet in many of the higher gradeinstitutions the real schedule work is being faithfullydone, and we should not make any discount on mentalcapacity or school experience in any subject announcedin their catalogues. The subject laid down for thesemodern schools are quite similar in general to the curricula of schools in Europe and America. The departments and courses of study in the Imperial Universityembrace all the principal fields of scientific and literarystudy.As a sample of subjects, I take the curriculumfixed by the Imperial Board of Education for HighSchools or College grade work and note the:followingEthics, Chinese classic literature, Chinese grammar,military drill and athletic exercises, English language,French or German language, history (Chinese andgeneral), political geography, psychology, politicaleconomy, mathematics (including coordinate geometry,calculus, etc.), physics, chemistry, drawing.These subjects are taught by Chinese and foreignteachers. The large part of the advanced work in this

GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS. 59regime. It soon became evident, however, to theeducational leaders that elementary schools must beestablished in every district. A glance at the Chihlireport will show that primary education has been developed rapidly and is now given special attention.It is hardly to be expected that in all of theseschools, judged by Western standards, the conditions,equipment and work done should be beyond criticism.On the contrary everything is still in the initial stagesof development. But let us keep our perspective informing all conclusions. It is a very common error forWestern people to make, in judging Chinese educationalinstitutions, to unconsciously lower the standard. It issaid modern education is new in China, therefore thegrade of work of Chinese students and their capacity arevery inferior.The whole scheme of education is a unit, modelledlargely after the Japanese system, and while at first ismore or less theoretical yet in many of the higher gradeinstitutions the real schedule work is being faithfullydone, and we should not make any discount on mentalcapacity or school experience in any subject announcedin their catalogues. The subject laid down for thesemodern schools are quite similar in general to the curricula of schools in Europe and America. The departments and courses of study in the Imperial Universityembrace all the principal fields of scientific and literarystudy.As a sample of subjects, I take the curriculumfixed by the Imperial Board of Education for HighSchools or College grade work and note the:followingEthics, Chinese classic literature, Chinese grammar,military drill and athletic exercises, English language,French or German language, history (Chinese andgeneral), political geography, psychology, politicaleconomy, mathematics (including coordinate geometry,calculus, etc.), physics, chemistry, drawing.These subjects are taught by Chinese and foreignteachers. The large part of the advanced work in this

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