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5 2 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The subjects examined on this year were ChineseLiterature, Chinese History and Geography, EnglishLiterature and Composition, Algebra, Plain Geometry,German and French, Latin, Solid Geometry, Physics,American History, English History, Trigonometry,Chemistry, History of Rome and Greece.Candidates may be examined in one of the languages, German, French, or Latin in addition to English, and if examined on two or all of them, extra markswill be given in their favour.EXAMINATION OPEN TOThe examination isopen to all students, providedthey can answer the conditions set forth above andothers that may be imposed on them whenever necessary.No distinction is made as regards their religion. Ofcourse a preference is attached to students of governmenteducational institutions or those under government grant.EXPENDITURE INCURRED BY CANDIDATES.All expenditure incurred by candidates in comingup to Peking for the sole purpose of participating in theexamination and their return to whence they came afterthe examination, in case they fail, must be borne bythemselves, and the Bureau is not to be held responsiblefor any expenditure thus incurred. No provisions whatever are made for them in the matter of lodging andboarding during their stay in Peking, where they mustlook after themselves as best they can. Informationconcerning the examination procedure will be suppliedto them as far as possible.SELECTION OF CANDIDATES.Candidates are selected entirely on the merits oftheir examination. For every subject they must get atleast 50 marks, or average marks for all the subjects tobe examined out of 30. The number of successful candidates to be selected from each province is determined

GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS 53according to arrangement, by the amount of the Boxerindemnity allotted to and paid by it.The results of the examination will probably beannounced a few days after its conclusion, a list of allthe successful candidates being posted for general information, and those selected are to assemble at theBureau for further instruction. They are to meet together in Shanghai, where Mr. Y. C. Tong has beenappointed the Shanghai Agent of the Bureau, and wherethe sum of $250.00 will be given them for the makingof foreign clothes in addition to a free steamer passage.Before leaving Peking for Shanghai they will be photographed and have to undergo a medical examination asto their physique by a highly qualified doctor, and afterarrival in Shanghai they will be again medically examined in the U. S. Consulate-General.THE NEXT EXAMINATION.The next examination, for the second batch ofstudents to the U. S., will take place next summer invery much the same way as this year. After this examination no more of this kind will be held in the HsioPu, and students will thereafter be sent out every yearfrom the Yi Hsueh Kuan school.THE YI HSUEH KUAN SCHOOL.The aim and object of this school is to train andprepare Chinese students to be sent out to the U. S. forfurther education. It will be divided into two parts,the Primary School and the Intermediate School. Tothe former boys below 15 years of age will be admittedon examination in both Knglish and Chinese, and tothe latter boys below 20 on examination in Chinese only.In this fashion between 400 and 500 students will beadmitted. All necessary subjects will be taught byAmerican professors, and Chinese study will form animportant part of the curriculum. Graduates from thePrimary School will be promoted to the Intermediate

5 2 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The subjects examined on this year were ChineseLiterature, Chinese History and Geography, EnglishLiterature and Composition, Algebra, Plain Geometry,German and French, Latin, Solid Geometry, Physics,American History, English History, Trigonometry,Chemistry, History of Rome and Greece.Candidates may be examined in one of the languages, German, French, or Latin in addition to English, and if examined on two or all of them, extra markswill be given in their favour.EXAMINATION OPEN TOThe examination isopen to all students, providedthey can answer the conditions set forth above andothers that may be imposed on them whenever necessary.No distinction is made as regards their religion. Ofcourse a preference is attached to students of governmenteducational institutions or those under government grant.EXPENDITURE INCURRED BY CANDIDATES.All expenditure incurred by candidates in comingup to Peking for the sole purpose of participating in theexamination and their return to whence they came afterthe examination, in case they fail, must be borne bythemselves, and the Bureau is not to be held responsiblefor any expenditure thus incurred. No provisions whatever are made for them in the matter of lodging andboarding during their stay in Peking, where they mustlook after themselves as best they can. Informationconcerning the examination procedure will be suppliedto them as far as possible.SELECTION OF CANDIDATES.Candidates are selected entirely on the merits oftheir examination. For every subject they must get atleast 50 marks, or average marks for all the subjects tobe examined out of 30. The number of successful candidates to be selected from each province is determined

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