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50 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.EXAMINATION OF STUDENTS.The examination of the first batch of students tothe U. S. was held at the Hsio Pu shortly after thesummer of 1909. Out of a total number of a few over600 applicants for the examination, which lasted abouta week, some 47 were selected after their papers hadbeen carefully corrected and marked with foreign assistance. Those selected were sent to the U. S. soon afterthe examination under the charge of H. B- Tong Kaison.In the course of the examination every care wasexercised by the Directors to prevent dishonesty on thepart of the applicants in connexion with the work.FUNDS.The funds necessary for the support of the Bureau,as well as the students whilst studying in the U. S., andthose to be sent hereafter are derived from a portion ofthe Boxer indemnity, which was remitted to China bythe U. S. A.NUMBERS TO BE SENT OUT.According to arrangements made 100 should be sentout every year for the first four years, and thereafter 50every year. This sending out of students is to continuefor a period of 29 years. Every batch of students sentout is to be put under the direct charge of a specialdeputy from the Bureau until their arrival in the U. S. ,when they will be handed over to Mr. Yung Kuei, whois acting as superintendent of students there, in additionto his regular post of First Secretary to the Chineselegation in Washington.ALLOWANCE FOR STUDENTS IN u. s. A.The amount of $64 (gold) a month is allowed tostudents studying in the U. S. A. This, it is calculated,would be quite sufficient in meeting all their necessary

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