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""""."INDEX.xiiiNorth China Union Medical College for Women ..,228North China Union Theological College at PekingNorth China Union Women s College 208-200North Fukien Religious Tract Society^iNowack, W. N.7|... :. .... ... ".|8Obituaries. Appendix II. Pp. vii-xvi.Officials, Church. App. VI. Pp. xxxi-xxxiii.Officials, Opium-smoking ... ... ...>t>.gOhlinger, Dr. Franklin... -,0 .J,Old Woman s Home. . .iuOpium Conference at Shanghai its; Resolutions . ."."400-401Opium Reform, paper on Ir 708-402 *Opium Refuges ."^Opium Suppression ... ... ... ...j^_Organization of the Educational Work .... ... IO8 122Orphanages X V; 3 * g 8"Oxford and Cambridge Scheme...^JPage, Mr M of Anshuen ---Parker, Dr. A. P34 8 gjParker, R. A., on Self-Support 100-204Parsons, H37 oPaulun, Dr., and German Medical School, Shanghai ... 22 2Palon, WmI00Pearce, T. W-, 78Peiho\\\ g6) 3?PekingIsPeking Syndicate 6Peking University 43, 73 - 7 6, 317Peking University School of Theology 236, 237Peking, Visit to ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 tPennsylvania University ... ... ... ... ...i^jPentecostal Revival in West China ... ...137Persecution ... ... .., ... ...171Persian Opium ... ... ... ... ... 12Phillips, Hugh Stowell379Physical Training in Y. M. C. A 412Piggott, Mr 142Pitcher, P. W99Pocket Testament League 259, 405Pollard, S. 84, 159Poor Committee in the Church ... ... ... ... 117Postal and Telegraph Mail... ... ... ...346Post-graduate Work ... ... ... ...75Post Offices 16

""8,XIV CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Poverty, Excuse for Lack of Self-support 198, 208Preachers Band ... ... ... ... ... ... ... H 1Preachers Fund and Helper s Salaries Ii8, 160, 201Presbyterian Church of England 159-163Presbyterian Church of New Zealand 102, 247Presbyterian Theological College, Manchuria 237Presidents of Colleges. App. xxxii.Press, The Chinese 13Prevention of Blindness 3 82Price, P. F..D.D 375Primary Schools 14, 43Primary Schools, Regulations for ... ... ... ... 45Prince Regent 2, 6Princeton 151Printing Presses 60,142,338,351-362Private SchoolsmPrivate Schools versus Elementary Schools 46Problems of Literature in China 332Provincial Council of Shantung 72Publication of the Scriptures 363, 371, 373Pyke, Dr 138, 149. 37$Pyke, Miss, of Honan 3 2Queue 13Railways5>Rankin, Prof. H. F99 8Readers for Teaching of Chinese 47Red Cross Society ... ... ... ... ... 7^Reformed Church in America Mission 154-156Regular Staff of Evangelistic Workers and Limitations... 185-188Regulations ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14Reid, Dr. Gilbert 61Religious Awakening 18Religious Tract Society 151,320,334-6Research Committee in Medical Work ... ... ... 212Results of Medical Missionary Work ... ... ... 214Review of the Times... ... ... ... ... 344118, 119, 120, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141,(Revival ^143, J 44, 145, *49. 152, 153, 157, 158,/169, 172, 183, 209, 376, 3U-3I9Revivalist, The 348"Rex Christus," by Dr. A. H. Smith 327Rhenish Missionary Society in ... ...Hongkong... 248Richardso",W 367Richard Dr. Timothy 14, 325, 3 2 6, 345Rinell,J.A 366

""""."INDEX.xiiiNorth China Union Medical College for Women ..,228North China Union Theological College at PekingNorth China Union Women s College 208-200North Fukien Religious Tract Society^iNowack, W. N.7|... :. .... ... ".|8Obituaries. Appendix II. Pp. vii-xvi.Officials, Church. App. VI. Pp. xxxi-xxxiii.Officials, Opium-smoking ... ... ...>t>.gOhlinger, Dr. Franklin... -,0 .J,Old Woman s Home. . .iuOpium Conference at Shanghai its; Resolutions . ."."400-401Opium Reform, paper on Ir 708-402 *Opium Refuges ."^Opium Suppression ... ... ... ...j^_Organization of the Educational Work .... ... IO8 122Orphanages X V; 3 * g 8"Oxford and Cambridge Scheme...^JPage, Mr M of Anshuen ---Parker, Dr. A. P34 8 gjParker, R. A., on Self-Support 100-204Parsons, H37 oPaulun, Dr., and German Medical School, Shanghai ... 22 2Palon, WmI00Pearce, T. W-, 78Peiho\\\ g6) 3?PekingIsPeking Syndicate 6Peking University 43, 73 - 7 6, 317Peking University School of Theology 236, 237Peking, Visit to ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 tPennsylvania University ... ... ... ... ...i^jPentecostal Revival in West China ... ...137Persecution ... ... .., ... ...171Persian Opium ... ... ... ... ... 12Phillips, Hugh Stowell379Physical Training in Y. M. C. A 412Piggott, Mr 142Pitcher, P. W99Pocket Testament League 259, 405Pollard, S. 84, 159Poor Committee in the Church ... ... ... ... 117Postal and Telegraph Mail... ... ... ...346Post-graduate Work ... ... ... ...75Post Offices 16

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