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INDEX.XI.."Lu Hai I-IuaiiLuce, Prof, H. W.34317Lugard, Sir Frederick ... ... ... ... ... ... 56MacQHHvray, Dr 345, 347, 326Maclagan, P. J 378INI ails, Use of ... ... 375... ... ... ... ...Maiichu Princes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15Manchuria, Medical School for ... ... ... ... 221Manchurian Mission College at Mukdeu ... ... ... 80Manchurian Missions ... ... ... ... ... ... 144, 145Manchuria, Revival in ... ... ... ... ... ... 314Manchuria Schools ... ... ... ... 82, 83Manchuria, Self-support in ... ... ... ... ... 189Manchurian Tract Society... ... ... 340Manson, Sir Patrick3^8Manual Employment for the Blind 381Maritime Customs ... ... ... ... ... ... 7Porter Gamewell Memorial School 298MaryMateer, Calvin W 21,69Maxwell, Dr. J. L., of Tainan, Formosa 233McCrea, Rev., and Famine ... ... ... ... ... 130McTyeire School, Shanghai 289Medical Education 216, 232Medical Missionary Association of London ... ... 216Medical Mission Work 210-215Medical Mission Work, Methods of 213Medical Mission Work, Results of 214Medical Research Work 232. 234Medical Schools 115,211,221,300Medical Work for Women 279Meech, S. E 237Meigs, F. E 359Merrill, Lilburn, M.D., and OrphansMethodist Mission Press, Foochow ... ... ... ... 35 2Methodist Publishing House, Shanghai, The35^Miao, Elementary Schools Among ... ... ... ... 84Miao, Hymnbook for ...Miao, Missions Among...... ... 1S&> 338Miao, Mr. Adam onMiao, The HwaI 8...4, 3&9. 3762Middle Schools 58,81,85,88,99,100,102,107Mills, Mrs., Deaf and Dumb School, Chefoo 3 8 4Milne, Dr - 3 2 7, 344Miner, G. SMinister of Education Forbids Teaching of Scripture...Mission Presses .35I-3

Xll CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.Mission Schools, Colleges, and Universities ... ... 73-112Mitchell, Mrs., of Honan ... ... ... ... ... 302Mody, Mr. H. N 56Moffett, Iv. I., ou Self-support 199-204Molony, Bishop H. J., on Self-support 199-205Morgan, Evan 326, 345, 347Morning Watch, Observance of ... ... ... ... 288Morphia... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12Morrison, Dr327, 344, xlMosher, G. F., on Self-support... ... ... ... 199-204Mother s Meetings... ... ... ... ... ...273Moule, H. W., re Dr. Li 172Muirhead, Dr 325, 345, 347Mukden ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...189Mul lowney, Dr., and Insane Work ... ... ... ... 392Municipal Council, Shanghai ... ... ... ... ... 410Munroe Academy at Suifu 88Murdoch, Dr., of India... .. ... ... ... ...325,334Murray, W. H 380, 383Museums 69, 127, 141, 142, 280, 297Music ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 292Nanking Bible Institute 153, 257Nanking Normal School ... ... ... ... ...43Nanyang College ... ... ... ... ... ... 43Nanyang Exhibition ... ... ... ... ... ...36National Bible of Scotland...SocietyNational Bible Society of Scotland Mission Press370353National Convention of C. E. at Nanking... ... ... 266National Parliament ... ... ... ... ... ... 5Native Tribes 19, 184Neave, James ... ... ... ... ... ... ...356Need for Aggressive Evangelistic Work ... .. ... 188Nelson, Mr. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 117New Centres, Opening of ... ... ... ... ... 182Newspaper, First Christian ... ... ... ... ... 344New Stations. App.New xxxviii-xxxixYear Convention at Liaoyang ... ... ... ... 144Nichols, J. W 349Niles, Dr. Mary 383Normal School 43, 97, 98, 102, 108, 128, 291, 30741North- China Daily News" x, xliNorth China Educational Union ... ... ... 216, 299, 321North China Tract Society 338North China, Missions in ... ... 117, 125, 129, 138, 149, 156North China Union College 77North China Union College Press, Tungchow ... ... 356

INDEX.XI.."Lu Hai I-IuaiiLuce, Prof, H. W.34317Lugard, Sir Frederick ... ... ... ... ... ... 56MacQHHvray, Dr 345, 347, 326Maclagan, P. J 378INI ails, Use of ... ... 375... ... ... ... ...Maiichu Princes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15Manchuria, Medical School for ... ... ... ... 221Manchurian Mission College at Mukdeu ... ... ... 80Manchurian Missions ... ... ... ... ... ... 144, 145Manchuria, Revival in ... ... ... ... ... ... 314Manchuria Schools ... ... ... ... 82, 83Manchuria, Self-support in ... ... ... ... ... 189Manchurian Tract Society... ... ... 340Manson, Sir Patrick3^8Manual Employment for the Blind 381Maritime Customs ... ... ... ... ... ... 7Porter Gamewell Memorial School 298MaryMateer, Calvin W 21,69Maxwell, Dr. J. L., of Tainan, Formosa 233McCrea, Rev., and Famine ... ... ... ... ... 130McTyeire School, Shanghai 289Medical Education 216, 232Medical Missionary Association of London ... ... 216Medical Mission Work 210-215Medical Mission Work, Methods of 213Medical Mission Work, Results of 214Medical Research Work 232. 234Medical Schools 115,211,221,300Medical Work for Women 279Meech, S. E 237Meigs, F. E 359Merrill, Lilburn, M.D., and OrphansMethodist Mission Press, Foochow ... ... ... ... 35 2Methodist Publishing House, Shanghai, The35^Miao, Elementary Schools Among ... ... ... ... 84Miao, Hymnbook for ...Miao, Missions Among...... ... 1S&> 338Miao, Mr. Adam onMiao, The HwaI 8...4, 3&9. 3762Middle Schools 58,81,85,88,99,100,102,107Mills, Mrs., Deaf and Dumb School, Chefoo 3 8 4Milne, Dr - 3 2 7, 344Miner, G. SMinister of Education Forbids Teaching of Scripture...Mission Presses .35I-3

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