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36 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.governorship of Mukden, the holder thereof, Chen Tehchuan,becoming Kiaugsu Governor.Thus far we have dealt with Decrees and changes ofa general character, but there remain those with a specialpurpose. First of these conies the large number concerning the suppression of opium. These date from 1906,but a confirmatory Decree was issued on yth February,1907, and on 25th June there appeared a Decree authorizing the officials responsible for opium suppression to paydomiciliatory visits to delinquent officials and offeringrewards to those officials who were successful in the suppression of the vice within their jurisdiction. On theloth October following a list of opium-smoking officialswas issued, but these were given another chance, beingallowed to retire for the time being in order to get rid ofthe habit. On the yth April of the following year anImperial Decree commanded the establishment of institutes in which the cure could be effected, and on the3oth July several officials who were detected smokingopium were cashiered. On the 2oth March of last yearan attack was made on the poppy cultivation, and theofficials were exhorted to do their best to reduce the areaof land under poppy, whilst on lyth June a furtherexamination of suspected officials was ordered. Sincethat time no effort has been spared in the suppressionof the habit and the reduction of the crop.An important Decree was issued on the 25th Mayof last year calling attention to the serious lack of facilities for primary education and ordering a universal extension of the primary school system, but with no fundsto carry out this work the Decree has been practicallya dead letter. This has not been the case, however,with a Decree issued in response to a memorial by TuanFang proposing the Nanyang Exhibition enterprise, orwith the decree of i2th August, 1909 appointing ChangJen-chun President of the Exhibition and entrustinghim with the work of carrying it to an issue, a task thatis just being completed as these lines are written. We

IMPORTANT EDICTS AND GOVERNMENT CHANGES. 37have noted above a Decree on coinage, but its place hasbeen taken by a later one, 24th May of this year,authorizing the adoption of a standard dollar of 7 mace2 candarins (Kuping). As this dollar is to be used forpayment of all Government demands it is hoped that itwill, with a little assistance, eventually oust all otherdollars, and a time is to be fixed later, beyond which noother money shall be legal tender. In the realm offinance two Decrees are to be noted : one of the lothApril, 1909, appointing financial inspectors for the provinces virtually as auditors, whose good work is alreadyshowing itself; and the second appointing provincialdirectors of finance, of the nature of provincial chancellors of the exchequer, complementary to the longestablishedprovincial treasurers.In connexion with legal reform we have to notethat for some three years experts have been engaged onthe compilation of a criminal code, which was presentedtu the Throne in a memorial, but ordered for revision oni6th February of last year. It came up in revised formon 22nd October, and was again sent down for revision,but a few days ago (the middle of May) it was reportedthat final sanction would be given at an early date.To these special Decrees are to be added such ashave recently dealt with the question of domestic slavery,a matter first seriously brought before the Chinese publica memorial ofby articles in the Ta Tung Pao and byViceroy Chou Fu.W. SHELDON RIDGE.

IMPORTANT EDICTS AND GOVERNMENT CHANGES. 37have noted above a Decree on coinage, but its place hasbeen taken by a later one, 24th May of this year,authorizing the adoption of a standard dollar of 7 mace2 candarins (Kuping). As this dollar is to be used forpayment of all Government demands it is hoped that itwill, with a little assistance, eventually oust all otherdollars, and a time is to be fixed later, beyond which noother money shall be legal tender. In the realm offinance two Decrees are to be noted : one of the lothApril, 1909, appointing financial inspectors for the provinces virtually as auditors, whose good work is alreadyshowing itself; and the second appointing provincialdirectors of finance, of the nature of provincial chancellors of the exchequer, complementary to the longestablishedprovincial treasurers.In connexion with legal reform we have to notethat for some three years experts have been engaged onthe compilation of a criminal code, which was presentedtu the Throne in a memorial, but ordered for revision oni6th February of last year. It came up in revised formon 22nd October, and was again sent down for revision,but a few days ago (the middle of May) it was reportedthat final sanction would be given at an early date.To these special Decrees are to be added such ashave recently dealt with the question of domestic slavery,a matter first seriously brought before the Chinese publica memorial ofby articles in the Ta Tung Pao and byViceroy Chou Fu.W. SHELDON RIDGE.

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